PSA - Fics Writers and Artists needed!

Aug 29, 2011 15:17


Thehet_bigbangstill has stories that don't have artists! If you are an artist and are interested in drawing for any of the following please sign up HERE and go HERE to claim a story.

1. Fandom/Pairings: Gilmore Girls - Tristan/Rory
2. Fandom/Pairings: Inspector Lynley Mysteries - Barbara/Tommy
3. Fandom/Pairings: Kane RPS - Steve Carlson/Various OFCs
4. Fandom/Pairings: NCIS: Los Angeles - G. Callen/Nell Jones
5. Fandom/Pairings: Princess - Yapha of Skarde/Theodora of Anatoria
6. Fandom/Pairings: The Vampire Diaries - Miranda/Grayson, John/Isobel, John/Jenna, Grayson/Liz, Carol/Richard, Jenna/Logan, Jenna/Mason, Miranda/Richard, Isobel/Damon, Isobel/Alaric
7. Fandom/Pairings: Waterloo Road - Chris Mead/Jess Fisher

The rarepair_shorts wishlist fest still has two people with no wishes granted. Please go HERE to view the wishlists and see if you could grant wishes for these people! (Parings are all het, both canon and non-canon).

fandom: harry potter, fanart, het, fandom, pimping, fanfic

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