(no subject)

Nov 19, 2006 19:31

Personality quizzes are fun! Hee! Just did a few of them right now!

Went to the beach today w/ the 'rents. Ate a big hamburger there...for a while I felt all bloated lol.

I still have lots of stuff to write for my NaNoWriMo project and History essays. Yay for procrastination!

I'm thinking of taking a nice long shower tonight, longer then my usual rushed showers... Maybe some good fanfic ideas will come to me...maybe something slashy and kinky. Lol.

I do realize that I'm out of my depressive mood somewhat...'cept now I'm in my "who cares about homework?" mood which isn't a good thing. More fuel for procrastination. But I do have to say that that walk on the beach did me some good. lol.

Hmmm...maybe I'll make myself a deal…once I'm done with those awful essays I can work on my Obi/Ani vid! Yay! I still don't know how to make cuts from DVDs. Its impossible to get my dad to show me... there's never a good time to approach him with that sort of thing. He gets pissed at me easily IDK why...just like that I guess. Not that I TRY t push his buttons. I think he favors my brother...eh w/e. The 'rents and the padawan (my brother that is) are all out at Vons or something. I stayed home...of course...hate stores. I'm like allergic to them or something lol. Maybe I'll post something actually worthwhile later tonight.

my life

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