Nosy Nosy Nosy Meme

Mar 10, 2011 17:28

Stolen from valkyriekat

Copy and paste the questions into the comments and answer them all as best you can. Feel free to post it on your LJ so that I can fill it in for you! :)

1) What is your actual name? (skip surname if you wish)

2) How old are you?

3) What country do you live in?

4) What country were you born in?

5) What is your OTF (Original Top Fandom)?

6) What is your OTP (One True Pairing)?

7) What is your favorite part of my Livejournal (my graphics, my RL stories, my memes, etc)?

8) What about me have you discovered that you really like? (Elaborate)

my life, fandom, meme

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