Music meme

Feb 28, 2011 15:40

Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.
Step 2: Post the first line (or first and second line if it's completely impossible) from the first 30 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing. (instrumentals skipped, obvs.)
Step 3: Strike out the songs when someone guesses both artist and track correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

girlofavalon February 28 2011, 23:55:02 UTC
Hmmm... are you sure #24 is the first line of the song?


alley_skywalker March 1 2011, 00:14:56 UTC
*smirk* Technically no, lol. Technically the first line is "What have you done now?"


girlofavalon March 1 2011, 00:15:55 UTC
Technically, the first line is "Would you mind if I hurt you?", actually ;)


alley_skywalker March 1 2011, 00:57:40 UTC
....Maybe I have a different version? I'm listening to it now and it goes:

"What have you done now?
I know I better stop trying
You know that there's no denying
I won't show mercy on you now..."

and so on...


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