GoT 8.3 thoughts and feelings (MAJOR SPOILERS)…
Non-Theon things:
- Honestly, my thoughts and feelings are so dominated by Theon right now that I can hardly remember what I thought/felt about the rest of the episode *lolsob*
- OF COURSE I’m sad about Jorah and OF COURSE I’m relieved about Jaime (and Sansa and Tyrion…) but I was pretty confident about my three faves surviving this episode as it were, so the relief wasn’t intense enough to really offset the grief for Theon. And I think I’ve been less attached to Jorah lately. But, on the other hand, I think I’ll start missing him come next episode.
- I don’t really care that Arya was the one who offed the Night King. Like I’m neutral on it. I never really cared about Arya so it’s not some big victory-of-my-fave moment for me like it is for a lot of other people. The way it was done felt kinda really anticlimactic to me but that’s not necessarily an Arya-related problem, more that I wish it somehow had more set up for it being her. On the other hand, it really makes her arch with the whole God of Death/faceless men/assassin training thing seem more tied to the overall plot and not like it’s a tangent.
- (TBH I really hope Sansa has some big moment of her own before the show ends. I don’t think it will happen, not anything dramatic, but I’m just so tired of the whole “Arya is better than Sansa because she can fight with a sword” crap.)
- I actually really enjoyed this episode. I was a little worried because I remember finding Hardhome kinda boring. Maybe because this one had more characters I actually cared about in it, IDK. But it was tense and emotional all the way through.
- I have to say though…there were some really…questionable…battle strategies involved there.
- That Sansa and Tyrion moment so lovely. I don’t exactly ship them but I love their moments together. I want them to be friends. (I’m not sure because all the scenes are so dark in this ep but did he kiss her hand? Anyway, it was all very cute.)
- Seeing Jaime in command and kicking ASS on the battlefield was GREAT ❤️
Theon things:
- I wish people would stop making his death about the Starks. He was protecting Bran, sure, but moreso he was helping protect all of mankind (as everyone in that battle). He thought of himself as a Greyjoy first. Yes, he spent his teenage years alongside the Stark children in Winterfell and had a lot of affection for them but it’s not…he’s not a Stark. Let him be a Greyjoy for fuck’s sake. Being a Stark isn’t some badge of honor. The important thing, I think, is that Theon is finally at a place where he can confidently be a Greyjoy and ALSO fight alongside the Starks, not against them. Bran’s right that Theon is home but I don’t think it’s about being at Winterfell in and of itself. I think it’s more about him finally growing into the best version of himself and making his own choices. He’s where he wants to be and with the people he wants to be and doing what he wants by choice. Last two times he was at Winterfell, he was first a hostage and the second, desperately trying to please his father/show that he’s a true ironborn and get the recognition and acceptance he’s always lacked no matter if he was with the Starks or back on the Islands. But this time he’s there by choice, for himself, for Theon. He’s home because he’s where he wants to be, not because he’s forced or trying to live up to someone else’s fucked expectations. He’s found himself first and foremost.
- (And no he shouldn’t be buried in the Stark crypts. Yara should be able to give her brother an ironborn funeral.)
- (and yea I will always be of the opinion that Theon didn’t owe the Starks shit)
- It’s kind of a sweet irony that Theon has now brought far more honor to the house of Greyjoy than his shitty father or other relatives who didn’t think him worth anything ever could. (I believe Yara will do great things but Yara was also one of the few people who loved Theon so…)
- I’m very certain that the death toll of major characters will rise dramatically by the end of the season, which is probably the only context I’m even remotely ok with Theon’s death as like…a concept. (i.e. most characters in this series die, just fakts.) Because, really, Theon was one of the most deserving people to get a shot at living and being happy. (You know, he could have been Yara’s number one advisor and helped her rule the independent Iron Islands. Or something.)
- People keep saying that Theon didn't know what his sacrifice meant, that he died not knowing. But nah, fuck that. My headcanon is that Theon clung to consciousness long enough to see Arya destroy the Night King and he knew that his sacrifice wasn’t useless, that it meant everything in the world.
- If Theon’s death hurt this much I don’t know how I’m going to survive Jaime’s.