random opinions about things i am/have been watching

Jan 10, 2019 20:42

Les Mis 2018
Ep 1 was like “this is so much better than what you did with W&P, Davies, wtf you assholw.” And then Ep 2 was like “ok, now I can tell this is an Andrew Davies Adaptation (TM().” I still think it does its book canon more justice than the W&P adaptation did. (The casting is def way better, at the very east.) For now, anyway.

I can’t believe there are only 4 eps left though and we’ve already had 2 and Valjean hasn’t even picked up Cosette yet… The pacing is going to get FUCKED real soon isn’t it? (Or are they just gonna cut out just about everything with Les Amis? I mean they prob gotta keep at least some of it to make some of Marius’ pl’ plotline work + Eponine’s death, right? Like I know it’s not the most important part of the book or anything like that but…. Esp. given how much time they spent on Fantine/Felix when that could have easily taken up a third of the time it did.)

Vanity Fair 2018
It was gooood. Def better than the 2004 movie but I still prefer the 1998 miniseries. Dobbin is so cute in this one, I love him <3 (He and George don’t have nearly enough chemistry tho :( Also, agh, George was extra awful in this.)

Godunov 2018
I was afraid it was going to be like Sophia - visually appealing but kinda boring. However, it has been quite good! Not nearly as good as Ekaterina or Bloody Lady, but still good :D I hope they get on with it and give us season 2 soon!

Tsar Boris
Saw this on stage in Moscow the other week. Very solid production. Me being me, I spend the majority of the play kinda lowkey shipping Fyodor/Christian.

fandom: vanity fair, fandom: godunov 2018, fandom: les miserables, fandom: tsar boris

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