Les Amis (notes)

Mar 13, 2018 02:02


22 (looks 17), rich, very pretty, doesn’t drink, probably gay (or ace… I wish), is a bit fanatical about the French Revolution, is kind of a prude/twat (?(.


An incremental progressive and pacifist, methodical and phlegmatic

Jean Prouvaire

A romantic (!), rich, shy and a bit awkward, “intrepid.”


Works as a fanmaker, is preoccupied with national self-determination esp. of countries outside France, will never get over the partition of Poland apparently.


Witty, playful and good-humored (but not an asshole, mind), warm


Chatty and sociable, always down for a fight apparently, spendthrift and seems to be without much direction in general, pretty smart though

Laigle (“Bossuet”)

Bald at 25, lost his inheritance in a bad speculation, always unlucky in everything, good-humored esp. in misfortune, inventive, sleeps on his friend’s couches primarily at Joly’s


23, medical student, has some weird ideas re: electrical currents and magnetism, agreeable but eccentric


The skeptic, very unattractive, likes to drink and flirt with women?), basically in love with Enjolras

character group: les amis, fandom: les miserables

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