On Dolokhov

May 12, 2016 21:27

This was originally written in responses to a Tumblr ask asking why I love Dolokhov/why he's my fave <3

So, I really love Dolokhov. Sometimes I get confused between just loving him and loving him as a character - i.e. I’m not sure how I’d feel about a person like Dolokhov in RL, we probably wouldn’t get along, but on the other hand, he’s very relatable and likable in a lot of ways, has a lot of traits that I admire. Also, he’s a lot of things I like characters to be, without necessarily wanted RL people to be those things. The fact that he’s a secondary character, mostly there to support other characters’ plotlines and arches, means that there is a bit of mystery, room for speculation and maneuvering.

So: Things I Love About Dolokhov, A Short List:
  • He’s brave. (Sometimes to brave.) And this is both in battle and just in life - he’s not afraid to stand up to people, even if they’re in power.
  • He’s got an incredible sense of dignity and self-worth (and confidence). He won’t lower himself or suck up to people just to get a benefit or improve his position. “If I want something, I won’t ask. I’ll take it.”
  • Related to the above: he’s completely willing to stand up for himself.  “General, I must obey orders, but I am not bound to endure insults.”
  • Also related: he’s confident. He’s far more interested in what he thinks of himself than what people think of him.
  • But…on the other hand…I feel like that confidence is kind of…created. With Anatole it’s just sort of there. With Dolokhov, I get the feeling that this is something he’s had to work for, that there is, deep down, this idealism and, with that, some kind of desire to fit in more, maybe. And that makes him relateable.
  • He’s smart. (Never forget those “intelligent” blue eyes.)
  • But also practical and realistic. He makes things work for himself, makes ends meet, even though he obviously has a much harder time than people ostensibly of the same social class as him.  
  • He knows himself really well and his honest with himself about who he is - including his own faults.
  • He’s incredible loyal to those he loves.
  • And he takes care of and looks out for the people he loves.
  • He knows how to have fun! Seriously, I highly appreciate the people/characters who can just relax and have fun and not feel guilty about it afterwards.
  • Obviously, he has leadership skills. Which, I don’t know if that on its own is very impressive to me necessarily, but it is indicative of a good deal of charisma and social skill.
  • He’s not judgmental in a sanctimonious sort of way. Sure, he’ll judge you for being incompetent, but as long as you meet his competence standards and do no harm to those he cares about, he probably doesn’t give a damn about how you choose to conduct your private life.
  • His snark can be great.
  • That he falls in love with Sonya. And not Natasha.
  • As a character, I like that he’s kind of morally ambiguous, that’s complicated, that there’s room for interpretation and theorizing. I like that he’s not always predictable and you sometimes wonder what made him do something (like, the conversation with Pierre before Borodino.) I like that he makes you feel conflicting emotions - you can admire him one moment and be pissed at him the next. For all that he’s a secondary character, there’s an incredible amount of depth and material there to work with if you’re willing to think about it long enough.

 (I think that list turned out longer than I thought it would, hm.) I’m so happy to meet another Dolokhov fan! I’d love to hear your thoughts on him too :)

meta, fandom: war and peace, character: dolokhov

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