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my_thestral July 26 2015, 11:56:01 UTC
Thank you, that was unexpected and exceptionally kind of you! I'm happy you enjoyed it and sorry about the gloomy character of the fic in the first part - it fit well with the fest, but if one reads it outside of it, I imagine it's hard to digest. I'm glad you still gave it a shot, though! :) *would totally attempt to glomp you but I don't know you well enough and it might want to make you run away screaming* ;)


alley_skywalker July 26 2015, 21:00:41 UTC
Aww no I totally think all that angst fit and it's not like I don't read a LOT of angst anyway. I think I was just a little unprepared for exactly how bad Draco's situation was and also for some of the other things (like the breakdown he has in front of Bill and stuff.)But otherwise the fic was wonderful :)


my_thestral July 26 2015, 21:13:15 UTC
Thanks, you're my champ! :) You know, I often wonder on how many wonderful stories am I actually missing out, because I don't fancy the pairing or I don't like something in the warnings or the introduction - so I make it a point of going out there every once in a while and read something I wouldn't normally do (like a Drarry, LOL, I know, sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who's not into Drarry on the planet!) - and I often find myself very pleasantly surprised. I'm glad you were able to make it through the mental imagery - I tried not to make it too explicit, but on the other hand, it had to be persuasive as well - and I'm very happy that Ron's humour managed to level the story out, that was the intention. :) So you get buckets of House points for pointing that out! *blushes and shares her last chocolate frog with you*


alley_skywalker July 26 2015, 22:08:47 UTC
Aww chocolate frog! Thanks, you're sweet :)

But, yea, I totally get the feeling of wondering what I could be missing out on. For me it's that I'm a very slow reader with a limited amount of time to read fic so I'm super picky about what I start reading and I'm sure I've passed things up which I would have enjoyed.
And lol, I don't ship Drarry at all either, so you're definitely not alone there :)


my_thestral July 26 2015, 22:29:56 UTC
Oh, don't even mention the limited time for reading to me! :P With raising two clinically insane kids (I'm sure a least the neighbours agree with this assessment!) and driving 160 km every day (to my job and back), I mostly use my nights to get any reading done and I've been down to 4-5 hours of sleep for the last 2 years or so, so I can at least breathe in some fandom air.:) So I'm kind of happy that I'm shipping those odd pairings, which don't come with a very prolific writing, otherwise I'd eat myself alive thinking, what I could be missing out! :) Here's to us, who are about quality and not quantity! *raises Butterbeer*


alley_skywalker July 27 2015, 02:46:13 UTC

Agh that sounds awful/exhausting. I can't sleep less than 6 hours without becoming a zombie. Your dedication to fandom is admirable, seriously.


my_thestral July 27 2015, 16:47:43 UTC
Ha, mind over body! ;) Nah, seriously, with all the daily stress I sometimes think my involvement with the fandom is the only thing that actually keeps me sane. And then a lovely thing happens like your rec and I can totally run on that for days. What can I say, I'm a cheap date! :D


alley_skywalker July 30 2015, 05:25:15 UTC
I just realized, you've kudosed a couple of my fics on AO3. Which - thank you :) (And ooooh so much Ron/Draco on your masterlist. Good!)


my_thestral July 30 2015, 06:10:28 UTC
Well, if I gave it a kudos, I must have liked it! :) Yeah, I've got lots of Ron/Draco, but it's mostly older stuff and all very mushy and awkward (especially the longer ones, you might want to stay away from those, LOL!) - I guess I have/had a writing style that appeals to teenagers with not yet quite refined taste, sorry about that. :) The closest one to The Butterfly effect is actually my Scorpius/Hugo fic, that one is recent.
I have to recheck your work, see if you've done anything new! :)


alley_skywalker July 30 2015, 06:37:13 UTC
Haha I actually quite often enjoy fluff and mush. Do you have any hurt/comfort specifically by chance? (My taste in fanfic isn't always very refined.)
I saw the Scorpius/Hugo fic. I'll have to check it out when I have some reading time :)


my_thestral July 30 2015, 06:44:28 UTC
I don't think I have anything specifically written with this purpose, but there's plenty of it in between the text, I guess, but mostly in the longer ones (e.g. the dreadful ones, heh). :)
Good luck trying to find something you like! :)


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