May 23, 2015 16:25
So Sweden wins! I'm perfectly happy with that result. And Listening to it again, the song is actually better than it seemed the first time.
Hungry were my favorites, though :( So totally underrated. But Eurovision voting almost never prefers the songs I do, so...
Putting politics aside (which is the right thing to do really, but kind of hard, seeing as Eurovision IS pretty politicized) Russia DID have a very good song. Objectively one of the best, so it's a totally deserved 2nd place, ngl.
(We weren't sure when it was airing and missed most of the actual final. So I still need to catch up on the people who I didn't see in the semis - Big 5, Australia, Austria - to see what I think of the songs. From the previews I got on tv, it looks like the British had some wacky song again, Spain had something pretty, but there didn't seem to be anything instantly catchy. Everyone liked Italy, so I should probably check that one out.)
I was watching all of this on a Russian channel. The commentators behaved themselves, thankfully. They did start going off into bitter self-aggrandizement land there a bit at the very end. But I'll give them a break - it was a tense vote and they were upset. Their behavior was still miles better than many Russian athletic commentators.
my life,