
May 17, 2014 23:15

-I am DONE with exams, and consequently with my 1L year. …Wow. It went by really fast. It was also nowhere as scary as everyone said it would be.
-I still have to do the write on if I want to try and be on a journal next year. It’s a super huge hassle and everything but well…IDK. Just as might?
-I start my summer job in two weeks :( (it’s actually job-internship since we don’t get paid *rolls eyes* Whatever. Internships should be outlawed. They’re just another form of slave labor.)
-But yay! Two weeks of no class/work (other than the write on). On Monday, while my brother is in school, I’m gonna drag mom out to celebrate with cake. I already celebrated with alcohol and dancing Thursday night.
-It’s hot. I want it to be cold again. (oh, seeing as I don’t get summer vacation anymore, I guess it is safe to say that winter is my favorite season.)

Fandom/TV stuff
Game of Thrones
-This show makes me so happy! Even when I’m frustrated with it for changing stuff.
-Speaking of which, wtf was that with Asha…sorry Yara? I get that Stockholm syndrome wasn’t something they knew about back in the middle ages but dude… That was cold.
-The trial! OMG the trial with Tyrion and Shae and how sad that was. And JAIME who is trying SO hard. Obviously. It’s gonna suck so bad later…

-Not a bad finale all around. Lots of Killian! I think it was kinda obvious that Hook/Emma was gonna happen. Meh. I mean, I rooted for them at the get-go but meh. But at least they had lots of build up. Speaking of build up…
-Regina/Robin Hood had like…very little of it. They probably did better than Rumple/Bell but not by a lot. And at least Rumple/Bell made sense in the fairytale context, with Rumple being the stand in for the Beast. But Regina and Robin Hood was totally random. Not that I didn’t feel bad for Regina there…That’s a really rotten deal to get after everything.
-Oooh but so, considering we have this whole “true love” thing going on, and supposedly Tink’s fairy dust said that Regina/Robbin were a thing, this is an interesting development, because Robin/Mariam as we know, are a thing too. I actually really love the idea of the whole “A adored B but shit happened and everyone thinks B is dead and A finally moves on with C but then B turns up alive. Who does A chose?” scenario. It’s just, in the context of reality as we know it, that’s kind of hard to do.

-That was a…dramatic finale. (This show is awful, but I’ve managed to allow myself to get sucked up by it.)
-Leith or Castleroy? IDK, I mean, Castleroy is a good guy and Greer needs his money. But I do feel very bad for Leith.
-It’s gonna be creepy though if they set him up with Castleroy’s daughter.
-Also, I didn’t realize that Castleroy was THAT old. It does turn me off of the Castleroy/Greer paring. I mean…significantly older and old-enough-to-be-her-father are two different things. (I’m not a big cross-gen person *shrug*)
-Aww the Francis-Bash moment was sweet!

fandom: game of thrones, my life, fandom: reign, fandom: once upon a time

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