GAME OF THRONES (possible spoilers for S4)

Apr 07, 2014 04:32

GAME OF THROOOONES! I really needed this, especially with my computer troubles lately.

-I LOVE the theme music. Always have, probably always will.
-The soundtrack in general is beautiful.
-It kind of bothers me that Jaime is no longer blonde. I mean, one of the big Lannister traits is blondness, I mean come on. Also, just the haircut in general is not very flattering. Meh.
-I really wanna slap Cersei. No wonder Jaime finally stopped catering to her every whim. Her reception of him is horrible. I mean, seriously, the guy’s been through hell and you bitch at him for going to war and getting captured? And getting hurt? What is wrong with you woman!?
-Sansa is such a sweetheart. God but I love her.
-Daario Naharis is actually really....I actually kinda get why Dany likes him so much. If things keep up this way, I might actually come to kinda like the guy. Maybe.
-Jorah, I love you. That’s all. There wasn’t nearly enough of you.
-Tyrion’s scene with Sansa was so painful! OMG.

Speaking of this, I also recently finished Dance With Dragons (last ASoIaF book currently) and OMG such a gut-punch ending. I really liked Kevan, I really did. Dear God, this is not looking good.

On a completely unrelated note: Next weeks episode of OUaT is going to be filled with KILLIAN! And I mean, the trailer made me all nervous but they can't kill of Killian right after killing of Neal/Bae. I mean, come on. Also -- cheap way to resolve the love triangle, but if one of them had to die, I'm glad it was Neal and not Killian.

Oh, lol. So I met a guy this weekend at a party and thought he was really hot. Then, later, when looking at some of the pics from that night on facebook I realized that he kinda looks like Colin O'Donoghue. I mean, they've got the same kind of look going on. Subliminal messages much? :p

fandom: game of thrones, squee, fandom: once upon a time

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