typical meme

Sep 28, 2013 17:45

Meme stolen from padf00t

Give me a fandom and I'll tell you:

Favorite male:
Favorite female:
Least favorite:
Who resembles me:
Who reminds me of you:
Most attractive:
Three more characters that I like:


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Comments 2

lokifan October 1 2013, 06:12:15 UTC
Harry Potter!


alley_skywalker October 1 2013, 06:54:37 UTC
Favorite male: Not counting headcanon/fanon - probably Ron. At least, I identify with him the most. Also Remus. Including headcanon/fanon - Antonin Dolohov and Evan Rosier
Favorite female: This one's harder, but probably Narcissa or Lily Evans; including fanon - Pansy
Least favorite: Plenty of those - Umbridge and Fenrir come to mind first. I also find Harry extremely frustrating and Marty Stu-ish at times.
Who resembles me: I don't think there's a close fit, but I identify with Ron the most, though, I think.
Who reminds me of you: I...actually don't know. I wanna say Ron but I think that just has something to do with your mood theme lol.
Most attractive: Lol Draco, Antonin
Three more characters that I like: Pansy, Regulus, Justin (not counting headcanon/fanon)


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