Aaaaaaaargh.... (>.<)
What should I do... What should I dooo???? ~\(!!˚☐˚)/ ~~ \(˚☐˚!!)/~
Should I enter the local competition? Should I enter the international competition? Should I jump straight to designing that group's costume??
~\(!!˚☐˚)/ ~~ \(˚☐˚!!)/~
Aiyaiyai.... All of them could take me to my ultimate goal. Should everything go according to my will, the first will gain me local fame while the second give me advantage of international competition finalist (or maybe winner *daydreaming). And the third will give me the necessary experience of dealing with clients...
The ideal situation will be for me to take all of those opportunity, but it's not possible *glancing at my wallet and agenda
Well the possible scenario for me is to choose between two competition and start sketching for the group... (@_@)
Saaa... Let's see what will happen then...
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