Nov 01, 2009 23:21
Ah... How frustrating..
These days, whenever I saw a pic about Japan... I feel sad. I love almost all about Japan, from the food, to the language (which i fail at), and to the boys *coughArashicough*. I want to experience living in Japan. It's kinda impossible though. Moreover, my ability in Japanese language is super duper big bold NG. I want to learn it properly, though.
The weird thing is.... The way I feel is kinda like as if I've been there, and I'm reminiscing my days at Japan, and I want to go back. Which is totally not true, since I never get a chance to go there.
Maybe I watch J-dorama way too much... or maybe (start imagining things) I was destined to live there, and meet 5 baka boys, named Arashi, preferably work with them as their dresser or costume designer...
Ok I'll stop daydreaming (or nightdreaming, since it's nighttime here), and sharpening my skill as a fashion designer wannabe and who knows I get to work with JE someday....
Yoshhh!!! time to sleep now (eh? what happened to skill-sharpening-thingy?) LOL
gak penting