Feb 21, 2007 12:48
Often while riding in a taxi, the cab driver will attempt to strike up a conversation. Sometimes he speaks good English or I manage a full discussion in Chinese, but most of the time it is a mix of both. A while ago I had a quite memorable cab ride. I'll write the conversation in English but really it was a rather garbled and confusing mix of languages, including a few random sentences of German at one point.
The driver started out typically, asking me where I was from and whether I liked the food in Taiwan. I told him that I was American and he started in on a long speech about the war in Iraq. I honestly had no clue what he was saying so I just nodded. Somehow he got the mistaken impression that I was from Chicago and I didn't bother to correct him so we talked about Chicago.
He asked how old I was and I told him.
"You are married," he guessed.
"No," I said.
"Your boyfriend," asked the driver, "Taiwanese or American?"
"I don't have a boyfriend," I told him.
"No?" he asked, quite surprised, "because you are Christian, yes?"
"No... I don't think that's why," I said. He was silent for a moment, and I thought the conversation was finally over. Then he spoke up with these words of wisdom:
"Taiwan girls very beautiful. American girls strong, eat steak."
So that explains it...
Yesterday I got some more deep insight into Taiwan from another cab driver.
"Taiwan is very very good country," he said, "No terrorists."
Sounds good to me.