Well, it seems that this LJ will be a place of memes and responses to pepole who actually post

Oct 31, 2005 20:35

Although, in other news, I plan on participating in NaNoWriMo. Given the amount of work I'm currently doing, I'm allowing myself 30,000 words as a goal, so 1000 words a day.

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulallerion goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as the blessing priest.blindmonk5 tricks you! You get a block of wood.calitetra gives you 12 green pineapple-flavoured wafers.cronopio gives you 17 light green evil-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.desperateopiate gives you 14 light green passionfruit-flavoured nuggets.driedruesunday tricks you! You get a scratched CD.eliciel tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy!gelishan gives you 4 green passionfruit-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.ibm5_25 gives you 12 teal spearmint-flavoured wafers.islemay tricks you! You get a rock.momoduck gives you 11 orange cola-flavoured wafers.allerion ends up with 69 pieces of candy, a block of wood, a scratched CD, and a rock.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
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