Oct 02, 2006 12:44
Well last night was intereting.
Me and my baby got into another fight last night but she says she relized she "cant be without me" which is a good thing b/c I cant be without her either. We kinda actually broke up last night which SUCKED HUGE Hippo Dick b/c I dont [EVER] wanna lose my girl. If I lost her. Then I might as well die. B/c she is my life... In essence shes my EVERYTHING and I could careless who thinks thats lame. But she is. Shes like no other. I care about her more than Ive ever really cared about ANY1 outside of my family b4 (even though sometimes I probably dont show it). Shes the first gurl that I've actually cared if we break up or not. Shes the only gurl I cant go to sleep knowing shes mad at me. I dont know. Shes special (short bus kind). lol. naw...all joking aside. Shes special to me and Im in love with her and hope me and her can be 2gether forever and get old and get all wrinkley and go to the park and make out in front of young people. lol.
I love you baby and we ARE going to be ok =]
Well im out like span-dex
sidenote:::: Its ok about last night b/c it was my stupid fault for thinking so stupid and being a dummyface. I love you and dont you FORGET IT
(sorry so short)