Since I had some extra time cause of my internet connection acting weird, I finally gave in and played ChaoS;HEAd in the past few days... got the AA ending yesterday and I do plan on going for route B buuuut maybe not right now >_>; (I heard B ending is sadder so I'm afraid of seeing it
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Too bad the Xbox 360 is not region free. I so want to play some of the Japanese games! (Especially Otomedius since the first time I saw it in Japan)
I haven't really played any other visual novel (even though I still want to play Clannad) so I'm not really sure of how this compares to the others. There aren't really many choices to make, except the delusion triggers things that happen pretty often, but I do think the atmosphere is really great :O In the end maybe I have to thank Mad House and the crappy anime for making me want to check the VN? If the anime was good I would've stuck with it probably! XD
Anyway, I spent several hours on each chapter and it's 10 chapters total, so I would say maybe 20-30? Not sure :o It also depends on reading speed I guess XD I didn't use the english patch so I was reading a bit slower than I would if it was in english, but I also didn't wait to hear the voice lines in full at times DX So I'm really not sure XD
Anyway from what I understood, first time you can only get the A or AA ending (the choice for it is at the very end so can just save and watch both in a row basically), then by finishing it B route is unlocked, but the story stays the same till the last 2 chapters or so? And that's all I think D: The 360 version should have new routes for each girl from what I've read though :o
Anyway from what I can see the anime is really going fast forward through it and skipping important details >< I'd say that they're doing about 1 episode for each chapter right ( ... )
I guess the anime version is low budget :(
And yeah, Madhouse is doing many series this season and I guess ChaoS;HEAd just got the leftovers ;_;
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