While watching random stuff on Youtube somehow I ended up looking at the videos from Anime Friends 2008 (convention that took place few days ago in Brazil) and omg D: They had a huuuuge JAM Project songlist that makes me so jealous of whoever was there to watch them, and even crazy guests like Kushida Akira (dunno how they thought of inviting him XD)
They even had the only live version I ever found of Makka na chikai AND King Gainer! ;_;
Click to view
... kono te wo hanasu mon ka, makka na chikaiiiiii!
Click to view
I know he's overweight and his hair is terrible, but that doesn't make him any less awesome! XD
Aaaaanyway all this makes me think that I so want to go to Otakon only to see JAM project ;__;
Wish I could've planned my trip better D: Kageyama was my idol a 15 years ago or so! And I went through a phase of extreme love for Basara Nekki songs shortly after so Fukuyama has been my idol too XD
In other news, my laptop works again!!
They called me from the place where I brought it to repair after a few days saying that they basically took some pieces off, put them back together and it was working >_> They're not sure of what was wrong, lol. The funny thing is that before finding this place I had gone to a couple others who refused to take it saying it was something too serious for them to repair cause it wasn't booting properly >_> Glad I didn't listen to them and kept searching :D