2020 (a Merlin fic)

Apr 06, 2013 17:37

So I wasn't a huge fan of the way the show ended, but the story itself still stayed with me, and inspired me to the following piece.
A follow-up is entirely possible, though I'm not sure about it yet.

Fic summary:
Dystopian Arthur-Merlin reunion fic, not an AU. In 2020, the world has just about recovered from the global financial crisis. Its leaders, determined that nothing like this will happen again, have taken what they deem the necessary precautions. Arthur has been reincarnated but doesn't remember who he was, Merlin is a cynical old recluse living in a cottage on a hill somewhere in Wales. One day, someone else comes along and makes the link.

Many thanks to my betas greeneyes_fan and casfic!

Here it is:
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