Harry Potter and the Half-Bored Prince

Jul 20, 2009 20:31

So yeah, I was a bit bored. Reread the Big Action Finale again today to see what it should have been like, and man, it so wasn't. ;) On other counts it was OK entertainment, though.

I completely adored Lavender. So much teenage sighing and cuddling, it was great. Too bad the major love story didn't work for me at all - couldn't really buy that Harry was in love with Ginny. Who, by the way, is just bland compared to the vibrant, funny woman we know from the books. Oh well.

I have expressed my dislike of Michael Gambon before; no change there, although this time I have to add that, to his credit, he got some really shit lines as well! Movie!Dumbledore is just such an unsympathetic character, I don't get it. Again: Can't really buy Harry's affection for someone who only ever gives him orders and seems like he's in a hell of a bad mood all the time. Also, the Horcrux scene was so badly written. Nice Harry part, shit Dumbledore part. All that terribly painful sobbing reduced to a grunting old man saying "It's all my fault" twice. Blergh.

Argh, the thing that I really hated was the Big Action Finale, because they completely rewrote Harry's role in it! All right, they put a little more emphasis on the fact that Harry trusted Snape, which is interesting, I suppose. But no way would the Harry from the books have stood back and watched that happen, especially when Dumbledore and Draco were still alone! The scene in the book only works because Harry is Petrified.

Hmm, not much else to say. The friend I went with (who doesn't know the books but has now started reading my copy of Book 7, hee hee) said he didn't get what Hermione sees in Ron, which just shows how silly the character is in the films. He also said he found Daniel Radcliffe's acting a bit stiff, and I must say I agree.

All right, must end on two things I liked: Luna (awwww!) and Alan Rickman. "You just....... know."
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