bits and bobs

Feb 09, 2009 20:32

So every month or so I get a pm (usually at GoS) asking about such-and-such a thing that I used to have uploaded over at Antics. So I sling 'em a link and think "one day I've got to re-up some of that stuff." Anyway, the point: more crap than anyone will ever want or need. Most of the stuff is there - some quality control has happened, though (probably not enough, but anyway.)

Moving on, here's some picspam - new inhabitants of Golden, etc.

Golden, my grungy-sort-of-mostly-abandoned-town-in-the-sticks, needed a witch - therefore Iriny Absalom.
And her mute but faithful assistant, Atticus.
(usually I avoid static-pose boxes like the plague, but Garnet's latest piccies made me want to play with 'em.)

They're living in an old factory in what used to be the industrial area of town (across the road from the Asylum, actually.)
No proper shots of the place, it needs more work yet.

Love cauldron faces.

I am so very pleased with the way Atticus turned out.

Fave shot from this round of Emotion - supposed to be portraying sadness.

archive, new sims, golden, picspam

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