The Marvellous Land of Yellow

Jan 16, 2009 16:47

Woop! Rainbow Legacy update. I meant to have it out afore now, but I got caught up giving the Promises some neighbors (more on that another day) since their neighborhood was all empty. Anyway, it's here now, so enjoy!

I love grocery shopping. So does Coward, it seems.

Back at home, Marsha seems to have found something she enjoys, too - hot tubbing with her friend Adrian.
Although to be fair, her husband has pretty much neglected her since Vitality (Vi for short) was born.

Time for Vi's birthday!

Coward didn't attend - he was too busy finding a bunch of flowers Adrian-the-homewrecker had left Marsha.

He didn't take it well.

Um, worst birthday ever, it seems. Poor Vi.

At least she turned out cute! (Yeah, I'm pretty shallow. ^^;)

Marsha moved out, but returns every night like a vengeful spirit to knock the bin over.
Adrian keeps stealing the newspaper, too.

So, as much as I like Vi, we need some choice for heir - time to find Coward a new womb lady.
Dude had negative chemistry with EVERYONE until we happened on Lucy Zarubin.
Face one, it's true, but they have THREE BOLTS. I can't ignore three-bolt chemistry!

With some romancing, she was happy to move in and bring a pile of cash with her.

See, not only is Lucy gorgeous and a family sim and has thee bolts for Coward,
she's also at the top of the business career track and raking in the simoleans.
So the house got extended.

Vi doesn't hate her, either, the three of them are pretty good at playing happy families.

Coward, that is not your friend, that is your crazy bin-kicking cheating ex-wife.

Who has the nerve to slap Coward around for holding hands with Lucy.

Lucy is not impressed with Marsha, and unlike Coward, doesn't just wander off and quietly go into aspiration failure.

In the end he told Marsha where to go, though. And that was the end of that.

There is really no point to this picture, other than the fact that I really like their new kitchen :D

With baby chimes, er, chiming, Coward and Lucy were married with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of haste.
(Moving fast, I know, but in case the baby turns out heir, it's got to have his last name.)

Time for Vi's birthday again! This time a happier occasion.

I'm quite happy with teen-Vi, she's got this nice Girl-Friday sort of thing going.

Time for baby number two!

(Yeah, no baby pictures... you all know what babies look like.)

Vi gets to work on a portrait of Coward.

And thankfully, this marriage seems set to last the distance.

"We're pregnant again!"

Yes indeedy.

Time for Enny's birthday.

Vitality is seriously the best big sister ever, she's always autonomously caring for Energy, it's cute.

And I shall leave you with this shot of the lady Coward brought home from work,
(it seems he's learned his lesson regarding Martha)
because frankly, she's the world's coolest policeman grandma.

Thanks so much for reading! See you next time :)

neontown, rainbow legacy, picspam

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