in the beginning, there was yellow

Dec 28, 2008 15:47

So I started a Rainbow Legacy... new neighborhood oh-so-creatively christened Neontown, a bunch of shiny pretty townies thanks to Pooklet and Selzi, a couple dilapidated but cheerful community lots, and one Coward Promise.

The traditional legacy shack - a little yellow place on the beach.

And its owner, Mister Coward Promise himself.

Aspiration: Family
LTW: Become Captain Hero
Stats: 5-5-3-8-4
Obsessions: Lemons, continuing his genetic line

(A note on the names - "Promise" because if I heard it in Sunday School once, I heard it a thousand times - "a rainbow is a promise." Coward because I'm naming after qualities and attributes associated with each colour.
We shall see how that will go ^^;

Since Coward's LTW is to become Captain Hero, job number one is to find him a, er, job.
Job number two is, of course, to find him a spouse...

So off to the coffee shop we go. (In the hail.)
Coward chatted to a few likely-looking ladies, but didn't really hit it off with anyone.

Until Marsha, that is! Two bolts :D

"I think you would make beautiful babies."

"Wow, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!"

After sitting up in the coffee shop 'til 6 in the morning, Coward headed home to plant some tomatoes.

And get a tan.

That night, Coward took Marsha out for lobster.
(At a pink and teal-themed nightclub called the Bubblegum Bunker. Go figure)

The date went well...

And Marsha moved in, with a couple grand and a spa-bath. She's in the Law Enforcement career track too :D

And then there was nookie,

and then there was upchucking. Yay!

Coward is a bit of a traditionalist, and besides, he wants the children to carry on his name. Not Marsha's.

Coward: *macks on*
Marsha: And my mother said I'd die alone :D

Obligatory belly shot. Marsha spent most of her pregnancy on the beach, watching the waves and building sand castles.

As the weather turned cooler, Coward continued to care for his vegetables.
(Also look! They are rich enough to buy a fence for the patch :D)

He also made sure Marsha was well-fed and looked after her right through the pregnancy.

And then it was pop time!

One Miss Vitality Promise. Every inch a daddy's girl.
(Coward has taken to her to an insane degree.
He barely spends time with his wife and insists on doing ALL the baby care.)


Before they knew it, Vitality was due for a birthday...

And here is her adorable toddler self.

And that is where I shall leave off :D
Thank you for reading!

neontown, rainbow legacy, picspam

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