Hello all! Here are the next generation of kids from my ISBI, for your downloading pleasure. Remember, skintones and eyes are geneticised and townified, and all your CleanInstaller and BodyShop screenies are in each .rar. Also even if you don't want them (or have any clue what this is about) please vote in my heir poll I need help! Poll closed, thanks all of you! Looks as if (surprise surprise) Cedric is my new torchholder :)
Cedric Libris
(namesake) is the firstborn and a (at this point somewhat unfulfilled) family sim,
who would love 6 grandchildren one day.
He likes both ladies and gentlemen who are great cooks, and thinks robots are sexy but can't stand bling.
Personality Points - 10 Neat, 2 Outgoing, 8 Active, 5 Playful, 3 Nice
If he is voted torch-holder, I will need to complete...
The Hero of Hufflepuff Challenge
Cedric needs to purchase and decorate a community lot for the town's Quidditch Stadium.
He also needs to max Athletic and Charisma, and reach the maximum Good Reputation.
Download Cedric (cc-free and as-pictured versions included in the .rar)
Coraline Libris
(namesake) is a popularity sim, despite her occasional lapses into full on crazy bitch behaviour.
She aspires to reach the Athletic Hall of Fame.
She likes both ladies and gentlemen who are handy with a wrench and goes weak at the knees for freckles, but witches freak her out.
Personality Points - 10 Neat, 3 Outgoing, 9 Active, 9 Playful, 1 Nice
If she is voted torch-holder, I will need to complete...
The Other Mother Challenge
Coraline needs to attain a gold badge in Robotics, and create two Servos to be initialised by her parents (or by Coraline and her partner if her parents die.) The Servos will be named "Other (name of initialiser)" and must remain with the household for at least one full generation and preferably longer.
Download Coraline (cc-free and as-pictured versions included in the .rar)
Conrad Libris
(namesake) is a pleasure-seeker who tends to go a bit bonkers if nobody is bringing the fun.
He desires to experience "the perfect date" an unbelievably large and stupid number of times.
Cedric likes men with shiny shiny jewellery, and shiny shiny android parts are pretty cool with him too.
Old people, on the other hand, are just plain gross.
Personality Points - 10 Neat, 9 Outgoing, 9 Active, 4 Playful, 3 Nice
If he is voted torch-holder, I will need to complete...
The Pulling the Possibilities Challenge
In Conrad's Fate, someone in Stallery Mansion is manipulating possibilities for personal gain, which results in various annoying and disorienting changes in the surrounding area. For the duration of Conrad's torch-holdership, each sim day at 7:00am, roll 2 dice. For the number rolled, change that many things around the house - furniture, sim appearance, wallpaper/windows, etc. If you roll a 10, 11 or 12, an extra-large random change must be added for the day.
Download Conrad (cc-free and as-pictured versions included in the .rar)
Poll Libris Heir Poll