gabriel girls (and, thankfully, boys)

Nov 19, 2008 22:22

Why, it is some pictures!
I've finished my teaching internship, so in short all I have to do between now and graduation is pay sixty-five dollars and rent some academic dress. Hurray! So I've been spending a little time simming (read: I barricaded myself behind a foot-high wall of laundry and stopped answering the phone two days ago, and this is less of an exaggeration than is exactly healthy,) and the result is a massive update from one of my clowncar families, the Gabriels. Um, this update will probably make more sense if you followed my pic thread at DLM's, but I've tried to include enough exposition that it won't be too unduly confusing if you haven't.

^ That's Ofelia Gabriel, fifth child of Adam and Zoe, swinging on a fridge door.

Speaking of Adam and Zoe, they're still all over each other. Their teenage daughters stand around and do retching animations, it's very cute. (Adam=mine, Zoe=CPowell's. CP gave her to me last year in a secret santa :D)

Their teenage daughters (twins Olivia and Ofelia) grew up.

Olivia... she's interesting, I'll give her that. I actually really want to see how she breeds, so I'll probably hook her up with some harmless legacy spare and let her make babies.

She makes good faces, I'll give her that.

Ofelia's pretty much a clone of her big sister Rosie. I'm of the opinion that too much Rosie is never enough, so this is a good thing. Also, what do you mean my Ghen is showing? Where?

She's my violin virtuoso (and I'm going to have to edit the horrid nail polish off that top. Why do creators do that, anyway?)

The two of them have moved out of the ancestral home, and are currently residing in the sim-bin, poor things.

And what of their siblings?

Rosie, the eldest, is busy being a girl-making factory.

^ In there is her and Ghen's Diyar's fifth baby, a girl named Jael.

Their first baby, Nerin. Nursery Rhyme FTW.

Nerin grows up into teenhood - she's got mum's jaw and dad's cheekbones, I think, so one has to pick her hair very carefully.
Still, I'm pleased.

The twins grew up as well - Esther struggles with the homeworks.

Raina - firstborn syndrome clone of Nerin, but undeniably cute. Anyway, I've got the randomiser thing now so no more of those.

And last, bubby Jemimah, who has grandma's brown hair!

That's all from them at the moment: managing five growing girls + Rosie is preggers AGAIN = my brain is not focused on taking pictures. Poor Diyar didn't even get a look in this time around, darnit.

Rosie's sister Elinor met the evil witch at college and... was influenced.

She was evil for a while, but I like the neutral witch setup better so she took to that pretty quickly. (I don't think that last sentence made sense.)

For some reason, my brain equates "neutral witch" with "hippy witch."

I swear, she could never do a single spell and the fact that she flies places on a broomstick would be enough.

Last pic of Elinor at Uni: she dropped out shortly after.

She's got herself a little cabin in the trees.

As a result of a one night stand, she's found herself pregnant.

Therefore, Fabala. (The name: well, according to the esoteric demands of her absentee father's families' naming system her name had to begin with an F, and she's the daughter of a witch, and so it goes.)

The Gabriel genes are strong in this one: grandma's eyes and grandpa's hair.

Elinor's twin brother Michael also dropped out of uni, and moved back in at home.


He's hit it off with my Anthea. The two of them make me snorf and melt in roughly equal proportions, they're a bit perfect for one another.

Engagement and marriage (both, I think happened in the kitchen in underwear) followed in short order.

Tips for impressing your in-laws: The Shirt
In style of Mother-in-law: check
Colour-coordinates with father-in-law: check

I was always a bit "meh" on Adam as an adult, but I LOVE him as an elder. He's such a sweetie.

ROBOTS ARE HILARIOUS, PEOPLE. (Also Anthea's pregnant.)

The baby, A BOY! (I get very excited about boys, for some reason I don't get very many.)
His name is Henry.
Now I know adults are always pestering babies and trying to feed them bottles five at once, but Adam's the only sim I've had recently who would just autonomously go and cuddle the baby. And so I figured that this would be a special relationship: A Boy and His Pop. They'd play ball and go fishing and be best mates.

But then Adam died.

It's really ridiculous to be getting teary when there are hula zombies. Really really.

I swear I never noticed the extra arm until I was editing this pic for upload. :P

Elinor dropped by to comfort her Mum.

Henry grew up. Mostly he's adorable but also slightly evil looking sometimes.

This is Pullover. So named because he's the colour of Michael's sweater. He rolled the "adopt" want and I indulged him.

Henry grew up.

Why hello there, Daddy's nose. (This is why I love this game, I swear.)

Henry has a baby brother these days. Name of Archie. (Another boy, :D)

Six-odd days after her husband, Zoe passed on. She was 81. CPowell, she was a hell of a Secret Santa gift!

Well, that's all from me for now! I hope you enjoyed/your brain didn't explode.

sunderland gap, picspam

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