It's a meme!

Sep 21, 2009 18:44

So I got tagged by xxevermore for this meme :D
I tag... *thinks* 6akalaka1 ,
brooke_82 (lol, I always tag you) and
joedy_76 .  I don't think you all have done this one.

What kind of magazines do you read?
I read exactly two magazines: Empire, for pop-culture and movie geekiness, and Frankie for indie adorableness.

What's your occupation?
I run an out of school hours care centre and I relief teach as well.

Where were you an hour ago?
At work. Watching Spongebob Squarepants and building towers out of Jenga bricks - I have the best job :D

Who is your celebrity crush?
Hmm. Last night watching Stardust it was Ben Barnes, the week before it was Firefly and Nathan Filion. So basically any dude with a chin.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
GLEE... it's just started here in Aus and I am in love. MAJOR LOVE. Also loving a bit of True Blood and have recently started getting into Battlestar Galactica, because a heap of awesome folk I know seem to love it. Thanks guys, now I love it too <3

What are you listening to right now?
My brother, singing in the shower across the hall. He's a bit tone deaf.

What are you most excited for?
I'm desperately trying to fit in a day trip to Melbourne around vacation care this holidays. Imagine! A city! Shops with books in them!

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, simming places (mostly GOS,) some webcomics.

What was the last thing you bought?
Muesli bread, wholegrain cereal and breakfast bars, and instant porridge. I ate Easy Macaroni for breakfast today and that depressed me a bit, so now I'm on a healthy breakfast kick.

What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
A pair of 5-year-olds writing each other "letters" on a MagnaDoodle.

Does the weather affect your mood?
Oh yes. But not in a happy/grumpy way, more of a out there/withdrawn kind of way.

What is your zodiac sign?

Do you want to learn another language?
I gave Sindarin a right good crack when I was fifteen :D
Probably Spanish.

5 things you can't live without:
My family and friends, books, my laptop, chocolate and Jesus.

Do you have any siblings?
Two younger sisters and twin younger brothers. And coming soon, a brother in law!

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
Stop being grumpy and come watch Buffy with me!

If you weren't doing this meme, what would you be doing instead?
Sitting in the lounge room watching Good News Week, or reading The City & the City by China Mieville.

Say something to the person who tagged you:
I love what you do with the sims <3 Can't wait for more legacy goodness and especially your Asylum Challenge!


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