about your orange...

Aug 09, 2009 13:09

Why it is a Rainbow Legacy update! This is shaping up to be a fairly quiet gen, one more short update should finish us up - and then on to the red heir and purple babies! Also, have an obligatory apology for the distance between updates. I *did* get this one up faster than I got the last one, but sadly two-and-a-half months isn't all that much less than three months in the scheme of things... sigh. Anyway, it's here now, with kidlets-growing-up type goodness and a mini spares update starring orange-gen firstborn, Vitality.

Well, we finished up the last episode with a birthday (second-born Danger's in fact)
and we're going to start this one with a birthday as well - baby Luck's.

She's a pretty adorable toddler, methinks, if entirely similar-looking to her elder sister Passion.

Speaking of Passion, she wins older-sistering pretty conclusively.

She wins everything. She likes to win.

Even birthdays.

Passion randomised as Pleasure,which fits her name nearly as well as Romance would have.

Before we move on, a little more Luck spam...

Sam fails at fitness.

Passion fails at antigravity.

Energy fails at animals.

Danger, on the other hand, wins.

I love this kid.

Okay, so occasionally the other family members don't fail either.

Who is that child? Looks just like Passion, but with different hair?
That's Luck. Happy Birthday, kiddo, seeing as those pictures of that particular event didn't feel like saving.

Luck does not approve of Satan's plush toys, however appropriate the colour.
Look at that face. She's going to tell DLMulsow on me for sure.

I love Pleasure sims. A little bowling,

a little pool, and bam! Platinum mood.

Dinner's not ordinarily this formal at Chez Promise, but the Principal is coming for dinner.

Sparkly salmon hits the spot, and they're in!

Winter hits, but these two aren't building snowmen, oh no.
They're building sandcastles. Icy, icy sandcastles.

Luck tops even her mad-for-sunbathing-inappropriately grandfather by
Incidentally, hair doesn't show up under snow drifts? Weird.

Hooray! Frostbite!

Aww, bless. Danger just seems to be so *happy* all the time, no matter what's going on.
That's probably a life skill he'll be needing in the future.

Birthday time! Stay cute, Dange.

Hmm. He looks waaaay like his uncle Endurance, who grew up to be a total hottie.
This is a) a good sign, and b) a sign that I need to inject some genetic variety, stat.
Also, he rolled Knowledge, for those of you playing at home :D

Studying-in-pajama party!

Luck is... not brilliant at cooking.
She's lucky Marilyn Arden seems to be a fan of Macaroni and Charcoal.

Passion and Danger get on like a house on fire...


It seems I can never have too much "Danger is sweet" spam.

Luck ain't telling her birthday wish, but I'm betting it was probably that her parents put some clothes on.

Yep. That was definitely it.

And doesn't she make an adorable teen? She rolled Popularity.

IIIIITS... another birthday! Surprise!
Bet you weren't expecting that.

Goodbye, Adult!Enny, you've been fab.

She makes a pretty gorgeous elder, though!

...and she's still got it.

I built a new Karaoke bar for Neontown, so the three teens headed to town to test it out.
Man, I love karaoke faces <3

Oh look, guest stars! That's Joseph from the Arden Round Robin, and Passion's Aunty Activity.

I have got to do something with her one day, I'd forgotten how gorgey she is.

Speaking of gorgey... "May I have a drink, stunningly beautiful bartender lady?"

I love Pooklet's face templates 8D
Remember this face; she's totally getting married in a couple gens down the line.

This is where we leave the main Promise household, but before we go...
Here's a little look at what Vitality Promise, the eldest orange-gen spare, has been up to since she got booted out.

Vitality fell madly in love with Astromeso's Klet Pookl (except I've taken to calling him Gilbert Book.)

Seriously, though, who wouldn't fall for him? He's adorable.

After a whirlwind romance...

...a shotgun wedding.

Vi doesn't have a lot of contact with her mother, Marsha -
but when she heard that Marsha's son had been taken away by the social worker,
she and Gilbert agreed to take him in and eventually formally adopted him.

This is the kid in question - Alfie, Marsha's son with her lover Adrian.

He's a surprisingly sweet kid.

Not too bright, though.

The three of them make quite the lovely family.

In time, they were joined by a daughter, Arabella,

and a son, Walter.

That's all for now, thank you very much for reading!

neontown, rainbow legacy, picspam

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