Back to school

Sep 28, 2010 17:23

Today uni started again, I just entered my third year of criminology and I kind of was looking forward to this because in our third year our lessons get more interesting. Or at least, that's what they had told me...but today was just plain boring. We revised everything from the year before and went over the school rules (again).

So I was pretty disappointed and when I came home I decided to lift up my mood. And the best way to do that, at least for me, is watching Arashi shows xD
Especially Arashi fail episodes (like Sho's minor sports attempts for G no Arashi xD xD) make me laugh so hard I forget everything else. I should try to find more of those fail eps of the boys, in case I am in need of a good laughing session :p

I also noticed I was tagged ( yay! first time xD) in a meme by cease11

so meme-time:


1st: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any questions that you dislike with a new, original question.
2nd: Tag eight sexy people. And if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!!


1) Favorite song right now:  Mada ue wo -  At first, I didn't really think it was that good but after hearing it a few times it got stuck in my head and I keep listening to it on my mp3

2) Last album bought/downloaded: The last album I downloaded was Arashi's Boku no Miteiru Fuukei. I actually wanted to buy it (still do!) but I've never bought anything online yet, so I need to figure out how to order something online..xD

3) Things that are super-annoying at the moment: I have to find an internship for uni next year but no luck so far, I already got turned down twice which is really frustrating...

4) Your favorite food at the moment: mmm Lasagna, I could eat it every day

5) The last time you said/wrote something that didn't make any sense:  To my sister, just yesterday, when I was trying to win an argument( I totally failed xD)

6) Your favorite movies: A walk to remember, I always cry at the end of that movie but it's so good! Although normally I don't like sad movies..

7) Last person you spoke to:  A friend at uni, we were complaining about the cafeteria food xD

8) Your favorite ice cream flavor: Ah I don't like ice cream in general.. weird right?

9) The most random thing you've bought just because you thought it was cool: LOL that would have to be a hat I bought but never wore because the color was way to flashy for me.

10) Favorite clothes: sporty, but I can dress up (if I really have to xD)

11) If you could kill any animal what would it be and why:  Impossible, I'm a total animal lover

12) Worst drama you've ever seen:  I don't know, since I stop watching after one or two episodes if I didn't like it. I remember watching the first two episodes of code blue but I've never seen the ending. I can't remember why I stopped watching though xD

13) Best way to relax: Reading a book or watching a drama always takes my mind of things

14) Are there any bits of childhood that you miss:  Being able to play all day!

15) Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall:  Summer, I love the sun. I feel way more energetic when I can bathe in the sun xD

16) Say this to the person who tagged you:  This is great for getting to know each other so thank you for tagging me ;) Hope we'll get to know each other better!

I haven't even made 8 friends yet so I'll just tag those I do have: scribblyness_x , rizells , yukichan_tb

That's it for today!

meme, random

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