
Dec 12, 2006 21:36

I recently found a copy of Take-Down: The Pursuit and Capture of Kevin Mitnick, America's Most Wanted Computer Outlaw-By the Man Who Did It at Good Will (we were looking for some cheap stand to set our microwave on) for 50¢. Since the movie was good and Kevin Mitnick is like the idol of every hacker, I thought I'd buy it and see how it is.

Well, first, it starts with the definition of "take-down" ("a move or maneuver in wrestling or the martial arts in which a standing opponent is forced to the floor"). I usually make it a point not to read books that start this way because it's boring and unoriginal, but it's a geek classic, so I had to keep going.

The first thing I notice after that is that the word "was-n't" is hyphenated and broken across two lines on the first page of the prologue, and "did-n't" on the first page of Chapter 1. I've never seen this done before, and it's a little distracting, but oh well.

I'm still not very far yet, but I thought this bit by Tsutomu on himself was funny:
"One day in 1992, D3 discovered me skating in the machine room, the sprawling glass-enclosed space where the Center's main hardware is housed. He went totally nonlinear, insisting I would crash into one of his multimillion-dollar computers and swearing I would never set foot in the Center again if I came anywhere near the building in my skates."

reading, quote, random, geekery, update, book

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