This school week has come to an early end for me. Tomorrow I go to Chicago! And I get excused absenses for tomorrow and Friday. This is going to be fun. :) My parents were worried about me leaving my computer in the Hotel, and they also don't trust my roommate's friends (I wouldn't either), so they had Jeff come pick it up. So, I'm in the library now on a Dell. Yuck. Anyway, I'm still going to take my iBook, because it was cheap. I also bought a couple of disposable cameras, so I wouldn't have to take my nice one... but it just feels wrong to go on a trip with my Photography professor and take snapshots with a junky camera. So I dug out my film and camera, and those are going as well. In total, that's five rolls of film. I'll get lots of pictures. :)
On another note, it feels like it's that time again. Time for me to translate an Esperanto song (this one by Persone), which you can either ignore or
Povus Esti SimpleIf it Could be Simple
Ĉe kafeja tablo kaj glasoj da bier'
Ĵetas ni la vortojn kiel sablon tra l' aer'
Provas mi diveni per geomanci'
Sed la sablaj vortfiguroj nur rakontas tion ĉi:
Mi ŝatas ŝin (jes, mi scias)
Ŝi ŝatas min (tiel ŝajnas)
Povus esti simple, sed estas ne
Hejmen en la nokto, malfrua teregal'
La vero kaŝas sin malantaŭ la parolvual'
Se vortoj ne rivelos la enigmon de l' futur'
Mi en la tefolioj serĉos gvidon de aŭgur'
Iam kvazaŭ marionet'
Dancis aĵura siluet'
Je la tria horo ŝi jam iras for
Restas sola mi kun akompano de aŭror'
Ĉu mi ŝin revidos, mi demandas al la sun'
Ĉu en ŝia koro min atendas la fortun'?
Beside a coffee table and glasses of beer
We throw the words like sand through the air
I try to guess by geomancy(Earth magic)
But the sand analogies only say this much:
I like her (yes, I know)
She likes me (so it seams)
If it could be simple, but it's not
At home in the night, late equal ground (?)
The truth conceals you behind the veil of words
If words don't reveal the enigma of the future
I looked in the tea leaves for a guide of omen (?)
Ever like a marionette
Danced open-work silhouette (?!?)
By the third hour she already goes far
I stay alone with accompaniment of dawn (or an escort from Aurora XD)
Will I see her again?, I ask of the sun
In her heart, does the fortune await me ?
I tried to give a link to an MP3 of the song, but I can't get MusicExpress to load from here. They've probably blocked it. I'll add a link later. When I get back from Chicago, probably.