It's time I updated and blew some dust off of this.

Mar 16, 2008 11:53

I miss reading on the lives of my friends. My friends page now has these really brilliant communities on it (bygonefashions, amazingink, sybarites, etc etc) but now I can't seem to find any friends. So this is my saying hello to you, particularly those who don't post anymore because I bet you won't read this anyway. At least I see most of you in the flesh or talk to you on aim.

I'm still seeing Tim, we've been together a year this weekend. Generally I feel things are going amazingly, except when my own flaws kick it into high gear. I think my horror at ever possibly hurting Tim really helps keep me from doing something idiotic. I just do idiotic things with my mind instead of my body and fortunately those 'don't really count'.

At least not for much.

This whole graduating thing has me really on edge. I'm really upset about leaving my apartment at school, probably more so than even leaving school itself. It's so beautiful. I love having control of my stuff, of knowing where everything is, of having visitors, cooking, and keeping everything clean and nice. Obviously, I can't get my own place until I get a stable job. That will be a good day...

When I get scared about graphic design, I go to monster or any other such site and read up. It makes me feel better. If I go ahead and do this, I could work ANYWHERE I want and have a very respectable and stable income. At least in theory. These connections from New York will be an invaluable opening. For the first time in a long time, safety appeals to me. Real world, ne? Gotta be stable when you've got payments due... I'm also going to be doing a little freelancing with a friend over the summer as well (weddings, golf tournaments, etc.) Tra la.

Mom just got health, vision, and dental. Of course, it probably won't apply for me after May (typical) but at least she'll have herself taken care of. That means shortly I'll be getting new glasses and my wisdom teeth out. Oh, and I have an ipod now. Hurrah! I already hate itunes, but so far I'm trying to make it work rather than jerry-rigging another program.

I was hoping to say exciting things, but I guess this much is ok for now. Some other day I'll entertain.
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