Presto Agitato, part 2 (of 2)

Jun 01, 2008 22:13

Title: Presto Agitato
Rating: NC-17 for graphic sexual scenes
Word Count: 3560
Disclaimer: I don't know who owns them now, but I don't...unfortunately. :(

Author's Note: Mick and Beth decided they weren't done with this story, so here's part 2.

I'm very proud that Presto Agitato won the Golden Fangs award for best one-shot Mick/Beth romance rated R or NC-17. (Yeah, it's a 2-parter, but they let me slide.)

A couple of hours pass; I’m not counting.  I lie there, semi-dozing, feeling Beth’s breath warming my throat.  Each exhalation tickles the hair on my chest.  I haven’t spent a night with a sleeping woman in my arms since Lilah, and back then I was human-not to mention just a kid.  I never slept with Coraline.  Before the wedding, the few nights we spent together were…athletic rather than restful; and, of course, my first chance (or so I thought) to sleep in a bed with her was the night she killed me.  After that, nighttime was playtime, and sleeping was on ice.  She always teased that she wanted to get a freezer big enough for the two of us, but somehow that never happened.  Besides, lying comatose next to one’s beloved in a meat locker is not the same as holding a warm, breathing, sex-drenched goddess in one’s arms.  Oh, Beth.

Lying here, feeling Beth breathing, I am sorry beyond words that I never made love to her while I was still under the influence of the cure.  How very lovely it would have been to generate such heat as humans do when they make love.  How wonderful just to sleep with her, to cuddle under the comforter and pull the covers up snug.  To bury my nose in that luxuriant, cornsilk hair and dream fragrant dreams.  To be able to sleep, really sleep, with her.

Thinking about cuddling under the covers makes me realize that we’re lying on top of the bedspread, and her skin is too cool.  She’s shivering in her sleep, and I can’t warm her with my inhuman body.  Damn it.  I gently remove myself from her arms and stand up so that I can pull back the bedclothes for her.  She murmurs a little as I lift her up and kick back the sheets with my foot, then lay her down again with her head on the pillow.  I crawl back into bed with her and pull the covers over us both.  With a sigh, she turns over and snuggles her warm fanny into the curve of my body. Spooning, we used to call it.  I wonder what it’s called now?  I softly put my arm over her body and cup a breast in my hand.  She makes a little satisfied noise with her lips and presses herself close to my body, wakening my desire for her.  My cock begins to harden at her touch, and soon it’s pressing against her-the only hot part of my perpetually cool body.  (She didn’t know that I was also talking about body temperature that night at Club Valis. It was a vamp double entendre.)  But she heats me up, her blood like lava in my veins and her beautiful body radiating warmth against me.  God, she could melt a glacier.

I can feel her dreaming.  Maybe it’s the fact that I drank a little of her sweet blood tonight; maybe it’s her scent-but I can almost see her dream.  She’s on the beach, the sand warm against her back and the sun beating down on her golden skin.  She’s naked, and then a naked male shape walks up from the water, towering over her.  She can’t see his features against the brightness of the sky.  He kneels beside her, dripping cold ocean water on her warm flesh, and she opens her arms to him.  He bends down to kiss her, and the features come into focus. Me, with scars on my face.  She’s dreaming of me when I was human. How odd it is to be inside Beth’s head as she kisses the dream me.  Evidently she thinks I’m pretty hot, because a throbbing begins somewhere deep inside her and spreads warmth throughout her body.  Human Mick’s body is wet and cold against her sun-warm flesh, and it raises gooseflesh on her that feels delicious as it competes with those waves of bliss radiating outward through her body.  His lips are cool and his tongue invades her mouth.  He tastes of the sea.  Her breasts are pressed against his chest, her knees apart.  He is hard, and he reaches down to slip a finger inside her pussy.  She pulls her legs up and grasps her knees, spreading herself for him.  His cock impales her, plunges into her again and again, as he holds himself above her, dripping cold seawater onto her face from his hair.  He bends down and takes a nipple in his mouth, never stopping the rhythm, and he suckles her breast hard.  She’s building toward a climax.

Sleeping Beth’s breath is deeper now, her nipple erect against my palm.  Her hips begin to move and her ass pushes itself firmly against my cock, tormenting me to an extreme of horniness.  This is extremely weird!  I don’t know whether to be jealous of myself, or flattered.  It’s actually pretty damn funny.  Beth-in-the-dream is moaning as the dream Mick fucks her in the sun.  God, she’s a wanton in her dreams.

I can’t help myself; I gently pinch her nipple, and the sensation enters her dream as dream-Mick biting her breast with blunt teeth.  It pushes her into orgasm, and sleeping Beth moans and rolls onto her back, her legs parted.  Her hand moves down and captures my cock.

“Mmmmm,” she says, and her eyes flutter open.  She squeezes me gently in her hand.

“Mmmmm right back,” I say, my hips pushing forward against her hand.

Beth angles her upper body away from mine.  I’m on my side, she’s on her back, and she slips one leg between mine so that my cock is pressed right up against her wet pussy.  I can smell her fragrance; she’s hopped up on endorphins and her own pheromones.  I’m throbbing with need for her, and she maneuvers her hips so that she can take my cock inside her.  Our legs are entangled under the covers, our heads apart.  Her body is open to my caresses and I take full advantage, stroking her breasts and her belly as I push myself inside her.  She is still half-asleep.  It is incredibly hot to make love to her in this interesting position.  She reaches out and rubs her hand over my nipple, and it is immediately tight.  My hips are moving, pushing me into her.  I can feel that I’m hitting her in a good way.  I withdraw, only to push forward and penetrate her even further.

“You were having a sexy dream, my dear one,” I say, smiling at her in the dim light coming through the door.

“I was dreaming about you.  You were some kind of sea god, or cosmic surfer, or something,” she says.  “You tasted like the ocean.”  She tightens her pussy around me as I enter her again, and uses her legs to pull me even closer inside her.  I keep myself pressed to her for a few seconds, filling her as completely as I can.  How wonderful it feels to be plunged fully into Beth, watching her face, watching her eyes roll back in her head with bliss.

“My darling, I like making love to you this way.  It’s fun to be free to touch you,” I say gently, pumping out and in slowly, my hands roving over her beautiful body.  I bring my upper body a little closer to her so that I can reach her other breast.  Her hands come forward and clasp mine to her breasts, pressing them close.  Her legs pull me inside her again.

“Mmmmm,” she says again.  She wants to increase the rhythm, but I’m enjoying the slow dance we’re doing.  I withdraw and push forward again, softly pinching her nipples.  I could keep this up all night. I’ve spent so long wanting to make love to Beth, I don’t want it to end.  She sighs, matching my thrusts, sensing my wishes and acceding to them, at least for now.

“Cosmic surfer, huh?” I say, pumping my hips slowly.

“Mmm,” she agrees.  “You were comfortable in the sun, so you were…were you human?  You must have been, because you were tan, and you had the cuts on your face.  But your skin was cold from the sea, and you were strong-like you are now.  And you made love to me,” she says.  Her eyes are wide open now.  She props herself up on her elbows, changing the angle a little, causing a delightful change in pressure.  Now I don’t want to go quite so slow.

“Ah, my nymph,” I say, my breath beginning to interfere with my ability to speak, “You are so deliciously warm.”  Her strong legs pull me inside her, then release me, then pull me back.  I’m helplessly in her power, my hips thrusting into her at her prompting.

“Oh, mmm, my sea god.  You are cool and salty to the taste.”  Her passion is rising with mine, her heart rate increasing, her beautiful blood flushing rosy against her skin.  My eyes ice over.

“My god-how cool!  Your eyes almost shine in the dark!” she cries.  I close them immediately, but she reaches toward me.

“No, please don’t hide them.  They’re so lovely.”  She makes me feel beautiful instead of hideous.  I open my eyes again to look at her.  I’m completely vamped out-eyes, fangs, everything-but I won’t hide it from her, not now.

“Oh god, Beth.  I love you,” I groan, and now I want to be face to face with her.

“Come on top of me, dear heart,” I say, and she smiles and detaches herself temporarily so that I can roll onto my back.  Straddling my hips, she positions herself over me and then lowers her sweet pussy onto my cock.  She sits up straight for a moment, arching her back and pressing herself against me.  Ohhhhhh.  I can’t think, it’s so good.  We pick up the rhythm again, both of us panting now.  Beth’s skin is filmed with a sheen of sweat.  She is so warm, so vital, so full of life.  At the end, I roll her over and plunge into her sweetness with abandon, and we both cry out with bliss as waves of pleasure roll over us.

“Oh, sweet, sweet, sweetheart,” I moan, licking my arm where it’s healing from the new bite.  I hold myself above her on my elbows, holding silken handfuls of her hair.

“Mick.  Dearest.  Hold me tight,” she says.

“Always.” I hug her and kiss the side of her face, the corner of her mouth.

We lie coupled, breathing hard, as her heartbeat slowly returns to its normal rate.  My skin is now as warm as hers, at least temporarily.  What joy it is to lie with her, safe in her arms.  She lazily strokes my back.  I feel like a cat, completely sensual in response to her touch.  If I could purr, I would.  There isn’t a part of me that isn’t satisfied.  I smile down at my sweetheart, lying below me with her hair spread across the pillow.  She is luminously beautiful.  I can’t help but kiss her parted lips-a slow, deliberate, loving, deep kiss-a kiss of thanks and promise.  I could lie against her, kissing her, forever.  My lips worship her mouth, her cheeks, her eyes, her brow, her temples…  Whispering little meaningless endearments, all the little things I’ve wanted to say to her for all these months, I kiss her beautiful face and thank my lucky stars for her.

Finally, I reluctantly withdraw from her and shift my weight onto my side, propping my head on my hand and looking at her.  My finger traces the side of her face, along her jaw to her lips, then back down her chin, along her jawline, to her earlobe.  What lovely earlobes she has.

“I love it that you touch me,” she says softly, her hand rubbing gently up and down my upper arm.  “I love touching you.  There’s so much to learn about you.”  The hand moves along the back of my arm, up and over my shoulder, and down to my chest.  Warmth follows her fingers as she moves them over my skin.

“I’ve been wanting to explore you for so long, Beth.  I’ve been imagining it and longing for it, and now that I’m finally able to touch you, I can’t seem to stop.”  My fingers lose themselves in her hair, massage the muscles along the base of her skull, draw little patterns along her collarbones.

“My explorer,” she says, smiling.

“My new world.”  I pull her against my chest and hug her tightly, overcome for a moment.  “Oh Beth, I came so close to losing you,” I say into her hair.  “I don’t think I can live without you.”  There are tears in my eyes.

“You know that I love you, don’t you?” she says, stroking my hair.  “That I’ve loved you my whole life?  I always knew you were there, waiting for me.  I called you my Guardian Angel, because that was the only description I had…but that wasn’t it exactly, Mick.  You’re my soulmate.  You’re my complement.  You’re my partner.”

I lift my head and I see that her eyes are full of tears as well.  She blinks and the tears spill over, trickling down her temples toward her ears.

I kiss the corners of her eyes, drinking her tears, as my own fall onto her face.

“Yes, I understand.  I feel it too. I think that somehow I needed to live long enough to be here when you were ready for me.”

“It’s not going to be easy, Mick,” she says, looking into my eyes.  Her face is serious.

“No, it’s not.  But it’s worth the effort.  I can’t promise you easy.  I can’t even promise you that we’ll be successful.  But I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to make it work, Beth.”  I find her hand and link my fingers with hers.

“We are a good team, you know. I wouldn’t bet against us,” she says, squeezing my hand.

“Nope, I wouldn’t either.”  I kiss her fingers.

“So…speaking of not easy, what are we gonna do when the sun comes up?” she asks.

“Good question.  What would you like to happen?”

“Well…long term, or short term?”  Her curiosity and determination are at the forefront now.

“Let’s go with short term.  What would you like to do today?”

“I’m working on a string of gas-station robberies and murders.  I already told Talbot that I’d be spending the day doing research and interviewing the victims’ families.   How much downtime do you need?  Do you want to work on this with me?”

“I should spend at least four hours in the freezer, especially since it’s been a few days since I really rested,” I say.  “Do you want to come to my place and work, set up interviews, do as much online research as you can?  Then when I get up we can go out and check out the scenes, interview the families, like that.”

“That sounds good, and I might catch up on some sleep myself.  This hasn’t exactly been a restful night,” she says, smiling up at me.  “What time is it?”

“A few hours before dawn,” I say.  “Let’s rest now, and then go to my place later on.”

“That sounds great.  I’m not sleepy, though.  I want to make some warm milk.”

“OK, I’ll help,” I say.  We get out of bed and she puts on a robe.  I pull on my jeans and follow her out to the kitchen.

“Do you want more light?”

“No, thanks, I don’t want to wake up that much,” she says.  She takes a carton of milk out of the refrigerator and pours a cup, then measures a capful of vanilla and stirs in a spoonful of sugar.  She hands me the cup and I put it in the microwave for a minute.

While it’s warming, she melts into my arms and tucks her hands into my back pockets, pulling me against her.

“Are you OK?  Do you want something too?” she asks, her cheek against my chest.

“Um…I don’t think there’s anything in your fridge for me,” I say ruefully.  “Besides, I’m fine for now.  I’ll have something when we get to my place.”

“Maybe we should keep some blood here for you,” she says, looking at the refrigerator.  “I wish I had a sneaky hidden fridge like yours.”

“Sweetheart, it’s OK.  There’s no need to set yourself up as a blood bank for me,” I say, hugging her.

“Well, you can always bring a thermos or something, I guess,” she says, grinning at me.  “Or…you know.”  She flashes her wrist at me, blushing a little.  The microwave dings, and she unwinds herself from me so she can grab the cup of milk.

We sit at the table in the dimness, and Beth leans back in her chair and stretches her legs towards mine under the table.  She walks her feet up my shins and tucks them into my lap, sipping milk and looking at me over the rim of the cup.  I rub her feet and watch her as she drinks the warm beverage.  She looks like a little kid, enjoying her warm milk and sitting there in a fluffy terrycloth robe.  Well, not like a kid, exactly.  More like a gorgeous woman with messy hair, but just so darn cute.  I hate to break the spell, and so I hold my tongue for now, but we’re gonna have to deal with the blood thing soon.  Maybe later today.

It’s nice to just sit with her, rubbing her feet.  The best thing about having been friends for so long is that we don’t have to go through too much of that awkward getting-to-know-each-other stage that new lovers seem to have so much trouble navigating.  We really are at ease in each other’s company.  Although, now that the floodgates have opened, every moment in her presence, every touch, causes little electric pulses to jump between us.  What a delicious sensation.  I rub her feet, and virtual sparks jump from my fingers to her toes.  I’m intensely aware of her.

“Mmm, that foot massage feels wonderful,” she says, stretching her legs and pointing her toes in my lap.

“My pleasure,” I say, giving them a last squeeze.

She puts the cup down.  “OK, the milk should do the trick.  Let’s catch a few z’s.”

I release her feet and stand up, snagging her cup and spoon and rinsing them in the sink.  Beth walks past me toward the bedroom, trailing her fingers along the small of my back, just above the waistband of my jeans.

“I thought you were sleepy.”  My voice is somewhere between a growl and a purr.

“I am, but I just can’t help it,” she says, hooking a finger in my belt loop.  I hastily put the cup in the dish drainer and let her drag me toward her room.  We end up standing by the bed.  I untie the sash of her robe and it falls open.  I slip the collar open and slide it along her shoulders, and she allows it to drop to the floor.

“God.  How beautiful you are.”  I just look at her, glowing in the dim light.  I think she’s blushing, how adorable is that?  She lifts her arms to put them around my neck, which does interesting things to her breasts.  I hold her slightly away from me so that I can look down her body admiringly for a few seconds, then I let her pull me in close for a kiss.  My hands travel down her back and rest at the top of her lovely buttocks.

“Mmm, bed,” she says, and reaches between us to unbutton my jeans and slide them over my hips.  I pull my feet out of my jeans one leg at a time, still kissing her.  It’s not a “fuck me” kiss, it’s an “I love you” kiss, which feels warm and sensual and somehow very serious. I pick her up and plunk her down in the middle of the mattress, still kissing her, then get in next to her and flop the covers over us, all by touch.  Our lips never part for more than a second, long enough to reposition our mouths or allow a sigh of breath to escape.  I know she needs to sleep, but her mouth is so responsive…

Finally, I whisper, “We’re gonna undo all the good of the warm milk,” and kiss her forehead.  She chuckles.

“You’re right, sleep now, fun later.  But you are very tempting.”

“Thank you; likewise, I’m sure.  How do you like to lie when you sleep?”

“The way we were before, with you curled around me, that’s wonderful.”

“Way back when, we called it spooning.”

“I think that’s still a perfectly acceptable term,” she says, with a little laugh in her voice.  “After all, when we’re lying like that, we’re fitted together like spoons in a drawer.”  She turns her back and snuggles me.

“Yup.  Cozy,” I say, drawing her close to my body.

“Good night, Mick.”  She pats my forearm where it crosses in front of her.

My arm tightens around her for a second.  “Good night, Beth, sweetheart.”

I close my eyes and savor the fragrance of her hair, listening to her breaths as they deepen toward sleep.

moonlight, beth, mick, fanfic

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