Oct 08, 2004 10:23
I know when I went to bed last night i was wearing a long sleave shirt and a hoodie over it because i was freezing to death before i went to sleep. But when I woke up, i was no longer wearing the long sleave shirt, and my hoodie was on inside-out and backwards...
if i wake up in the middle of the night, i remember it always, but last night i must have woken up twice at least and i dont remember waking once. I must've somehow gotten too hot and taken off both of my shirts, and then woken up again because i was too cold so i put only my hoodie back on, only it was inside-out and backwards...
that or i was actually swept into another dimention that leaves no memories and only clues as to where ive been...either way, i am both perplexed and ammused...