Jul 25, 2005 16:22
Okay, so i decided to give this thing a try. I've been reading madlorivoldmort's page for a while now (as i'm a huge fan of her fanfiction) and i have to say that i've found it quite awesome. I already have a xanga site (katarinastrip is my username) but i think this one will be much more interesting. alright...on with the entry.
Tonight the people i work for (On Track Cafe...for the Potomac Eagle Train) are having a dinner of some sort so my cousin Hillery and I plan on going to this, i mean free food right???? I'm hoping we can eat quickly though...the fair is this week and we're going to try to go out there tonight. With my luck it'll start raining *cue to roll eyes*.
Last night was the premiere of the second season of Laguna Beach and I have to say i enjoyed it thoroughly. Especially since Kristin and Stephen seem to be done and LC's finally getting her shot. I probably sound ridiculous but everyone has to have a soap opera/reality tv fix in their life!! am i right here or what??????
the highlight of my day...food