Mar 26, 2010 23:07
Дочитала книжку J.Weiner "In Her Shoes". Хороший автор, хорошая книга.
Не буду оригинальничать, приведу готовую рецензию:
Meet Rose Feller. She's thirty years old and a high-powered attorney with a secret passion for romance novels. She has an exercise regime she's going to start next week, and she dreams of a man who will slide off her glasses, gaze into her eyes, and tell her that she's beautiful. She also dreams of getting her fantastically screwed-up little sister to get her life together.
Meet Rose's sister, Maggie. Twenty-eight years old, drop-dead gorgeous and only occasionally employed, Maggie sings backup in a band called Whiskered Biscuit. Although her dreams of big-screen stardom haven't progressed past her left hip's appearance in a Will Smith video, Maggie dreams of fame and fortune -- and of getting her dowdy big sister to stick to a skin-care regime.
These two women with nothing in common but a childhood tragedy, shared DNA, and the same size feet, are about to learn that their family is more different than they ever imagined, and that they're more alike than they'd ever believe. In Her Shoes -- Jennifer Weiner's follow-up to her critically acclaimed debut, Good in Bed -- observes Rose and Maggie, the brain and the beauty, as they make journeys of discovery that take them from the streets of Philadelphia to Ivy League libraries to a "retirement community for active seniors" in Boca Raton. Along the way, they'll encounter a wild cast of characters -- from a stepmother who's into recreational Botox to a small, disdainful pug with no name. They'll borrow shoes and clothes and boyfriends, and make peace with their most intimate enemies -- each other.
Funny and poignant, richly detailed and wrenchingly real, In Her Shoes will speak to anyone who has endured the bonds of big -- or little -- sisterhood, or longed for a life different from the one the world has dictated, and dreamed of trying something else on for size.
От себя добавлю, что в рецензии не освещена сюжетная линия, повествующая о бабушке сестер Феллер, потерявшей связь со внучками много лет назад. Интересно почитать, как живут обеспеченные старички в этаком "гетто для пенсионеров" и какая насыщенная жизнь у 80-летних героев.
И две вещи, несколько портящие впечатление:
- Стандартная сцена "торжества справедливости": главный негодяй - бывший любовник Джим осознал, раскаялся, униженно умоляет простить и вернуться, но Роза его гордо отвергает и (какая деталь!) полностью избавляется от болезненной привязанности к нему, наконец заметив, что у Джима волосатые уши (Стругацкие тут ни при чем).
- Несколько затянутая мелодраматичная концовка, когда уже и так понято, что будет полный хеппи-энд, но нужно закруглить все сюжетные линии.
В качестве бонуса такой стишок:
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)