May 25, 2005 18:59
Because i'm bored.
1) what color is the ceiling in my room currently?
2) what did I call myself when I was little?
3) what is my most recent pregnant-womanesque food obsession?
4) what did I use as a blankie when i was little (ok so I still have a few...)
5) what is my diabetic dogs name?
6) why is my sn alleelee?
7) what is my birthday?
8) how many piercings do I have?
9) what is my most recent song obsession?
10) what is the name of my brothers band?
ok so yeah a lot of these are pretty hard. dont cheat! if you want you can email me ur answers @ so ppl wont cheat off them. except thats prob not the best idea cuz i dont check my email very often.
I fell asleep while leaning against the wall in spinning inward today. ah.