Awful. I fell asleep at 10:30 last night on the couch. I’m retarded. Now, this wouldn’t be a big deal, but I didn’t even wake up for Saved by the Bell. I’m pissed about that. So my day is going to be spent teaching myself guitar. I’ve already decided. I really hate today a lot. I’m wicked lonely, I’m sick of being home alone all day, and I want to find a job. I mean, yea, I need money, but I’m fucking bored. I can’t take it anymore, I’m going crazy.
I miss Janine a lot. I don’t like that my best friend lives 2 hours away. That’s the only reason I really want to move back to the city, so I can see her more. But then I think about it, and I really don’t want to live in the city. I want to be able to drive, and not be as cold in the winter. There’s pros and cons, I guess I’m just going to have to weigh them and figure out exactly what I want to be doing with my life right now. I wish I wasn’t so indecisive. I seriously have no idea what I want when it comes to anything. I don’t even know what I want to major in anymore. I could major in journalism, but it’s such a competitive field. I could major in philosophy, but where’s that getting me? A job as a philosophy teacher? No thanks. I really have no desire to finish 18+ years of school just to go back and teach people who hated it just as much as I did. I don’t know if I want to major in art, but that’s something I have to decide REALLY soon. I just can’t do something I don’t have a passion for, or I won’t do it. Kind of like how I never went to math class cause I hated it so much. Fuck quantitative reasoning. That class blew.
I don’t know if I’m going to the show on the 16th anymore. I really want to, cause it’s an awesome lineup, but fuck! It’s local bands, and it’s 15 bucks? Seriously, it costs me at least 25 or 30 bucks to get to and from Mass to begin with, and 15 on top of that? Hi, I’m poor right now. You know, that whole not having a job thing kind of means I have no money as well. So we’ll see. I’ll talk to the Skeptics, or maybe These Green Eyes and see if I can sit and be merch bitch for the night and maybe they’ll bring me in with them. That would be neat.
I’ve been listening to Kelly Clarkson, Hanson, and Matchbox 20 all day. How dorky am I? My poor puppy looks so bored and sad. I let him outside for a while, but he wanted to come back in, and now some dumb dog is walking up and down the street, and every time he gets in front of our house Cooper barks like a maniac.
Okay, I’m done updating for now. Maybe later if something interesting actually happens in my life, which probably won’t happen.
1. Do you give money to hobos on the street? Only sometimes. I've lived in nyc and I know that 90% of homeless people are faking it hcore. Did you know that if a homeless person plants themself in Central Park every day for a year, they could make close to a million dollars? Fucking ridiculous. I wish I made a million dollars a year to do absolutely nothing but mooch off other people. That would be seriously neat.
2. Are you a girl? I sure am.
3. Are you a unicorn? Hm. I can already tell this survey is going to piss me off.
4. Do you live in New York? Not anymore.
5. Do you go shopping frequently? Nope.
6. Have you ever met a clown? Yes, and I hate them so much. A clown came into Friendly's one time and sat in my section, so I had to trade sections with someone and give up all my tables.
7. Do you celebrate Christmas? Yes.
8. Do you have a bf//gf? Nope.
9. Have you seen the movie "Scream"? Yes.
10. Are you insane? I have my moments.
11. Do you like the rain? No. Not at all.
12. Do you use toothpaste? Yes. Who doesn't.
13. Do you brush your hair a lot? I haven't brushed my hair in probably...5 years.
14. Are you failing classes at school? No, especially since I'm not in school right now.
15. Do you like rap? Not particularly, but I did find some old school Ja Rule CDs today and laughed a considerable amount when I popped them in.
16. Are you scary to other people? I've been told I'm wicked intimidating, but scary? I doubt it.
17. Are you popular? Popular? Well, I have friends, and get along with everyone pretty much.
18. Are you listening to music right now? Of course.
19. Are you watching TV right now? Nope, I refuse to watch any daytime Tv. Especially since I missed Saved by the Bell.
20. Did you like this survey? Uhh.
How long can you go without ...
food : I like food, but I can go without it for a while. As long as I have cigarettes, I'm all set.
friends : Not long at all.
cell phones : Seriously, sometimes I love when my cell phone dies for a while and I can't do anything about it, cause then I really don't have to talk to anyone I don't want to. It's neat :)
computers : I don't know, a while. I've made it days without touching a computer :P How pathetic does that sound?
tv : Well, I'm addicted to Saved by the Bell, so if I get my hour and a half each morning of that, I can last till the next morning without it.
family : Not long at all. Whenever I leave I miss my mom terribly.
drinks : Alcoholic or regular drinks? I almost always have some form of drink with me. I get wicked thirsty all the time.
your dog : I love my dog. He's laying halfway on me right now.
your cat : My cat comes around once every 3 months, haha.
your fish : My fish is going to die really soon.
xanga : Uhh I don't use that shit.
myspace : I never used to check it. But now I check it a lot. I can go a couple days before I start to wonder what's going on on the damn thing. Stupid addiction.
clothes : I say fuck clothes. We should make the world a nudest colony.
shoes : What the hell is up with these questions?
color : ....
music : No. I'm always listening to music.
showers : I'm obsessed with taking showers, so not long.
When's the last time you ...
Ate a muffin : I love muffins! I have no idea though. Probably about a month ago.
Drank faygo : What's that?
Showered : About a half hour ago.
Talked on the fone : Last night when JenK called me at like 1 in the morning, haha <3
With whom ? : JenK
How long ? : Maybe 5 minutes? She was really drunk and I was sleeping, haha.
said rad: Yesterday, actually. That's strange, I never use that word.
talked on ... : What?
went outside : 10 mins ago.
played in the snow : Fuck playing in the snow. But it was the weekend I went to see Janine in nyc.
watched a movie : In Wolcott, Saturday night/Sunday morning.
which movie ? : All 3 LOTR movies.
babysat somebody : Over the summer.
kissed somebody : This past weekend.
hugged somebody : Yesterday.
yelled at somebody : I don't really yell at people.
tripped somebody : I fall over myself all the time. I'm a dork.
went to school : 2 months ago. Not even, maybe a month and 1/2 ago.
This Or That
School // Summer :: Who picks school?? Summer, obviously.
Faygo // Dr.pepper :: Dr. Pepper, I don't know what Faygo is, but now I'm terribly interested.
Burgerking // Wendy's :: Wendy's!
Friends // Family :: Both.
Aim // Aol :: AIM.
Christmas // Halloween :: halloween
Dogs // Cats :: Dogs
Santa // Easter Bunny :: Hmm.
Playstation // x-box :: Either are fun. I wish I could find the xbox, but I think dad took it away from cam yesterday.
Pacman // mortal combat :: Mortal Kombat is the shit.
Cell Phone // Computer :: Either.
Singing // Sleeping :: Singing!
Go to church // sleep :: Sleep.
religious // fuck religion :: Neither. I don't care.
leftover crack // mariah carey :: Leftover crack! What a good band.
black // red :: Black. I hate red.
dyed hair // natural color :: Dyed hair.
x What is your first name? Alli
x What is your middle name? Bess
x What is your zodiac sign? Virgo
-L-O-O-K- -A-T- -M-E-
x What is your natural hair color? Blonde
x What is your current hair color? Dark Brown.
x What color are your eyes? Green
x Piercings? 16
x Tattoos? 2
x Long or Short Hair? Shortish
x Straight or Curly? Straight.
x How tall are you? 5'5
x What is your shoe size? 7
-C-U-R-R-E-N-T-L-Y- -W-E-A-R-I-N-G
x What shirt are you wearing? Valencia Tshirt
x What kind of pants are you wearing? Jeans
x Socks? White ones
x Necklaces? a silver one with a ruby
x Bracelets? I have a rubberband around my left wrist. That's it.
x Earings? Only my tragus piercing is in right now.
-T-H-I-S- -O-R- -T-H-A-T-
x Rock or Rap? Rock.
x Baseball or Softball? Baseball
x Wild Night out or Romantic Night in? Both are fun.
x Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream? Twist with chocolate sprinkles. That's a prime example of how indecisive I am.
x Hummer or Sports Car? Sports car. Hummers are so ugly.
x Pink or Black? Black.
x History or Science? History.
x Sleep in or Early to rise? Early to rise. I used to sleep in hcore. Not anymore though.
x Beach or Boardwalk? Beach, but I love boardwalks too.
x Hoodie or Tee Shirt? Hooodie. A zip up one. They're wonderful.
x Night Or Day? Both are nice.
x High School or College? College.
x Color White or Black? Black.
x Love or Fun? Both.
x California or Florida? Cali
x Biggie or 2pac? I'm not really into either.
-H-A-V-E- -Y-O-U- -E-V-E-R-
x Hugged someone? Yes.
x Been on the phone until the sun came up? Yes. What's up Brandon and Ryan Townsend? Haha.
x Put a song on repeat for more than 2 hours? Nope. I would get bored of it wicked fast.
x Been arrested? No.
x Got chased by the police? Yeap.
x Got detention? Oh yes.
x Slept past 4 in the afternoon? Haha yes.
x Rejected someone? Yep.
x Skipped School? uhh all of '05 with Crystal :P
x Skipped a Class? Yes.
-T-H-E- -L-A-S-T-
x Person you talked to in person? My mommm
x Person you talked to online? JenK <3333
x Person you talked to on the phone? My mom
x Thing you drank? Diet Coke
x Thing you laughed at? People that dip in the kiddie pool :P
x Cry? Cry? Huh? I don't do it often.
x Person you kissed? Brandon
x Person you told you loved them? My sister
x Do you like surveys? Obviously.
x What kind of shampoo do you use? Whatever's in the shower. Today it was Herbal Essance. And I can't spell, shut your mouth.
x Do you ever wonder what your life will be like in 10 years? Sometimes.
x Are you scared of what life will be like in 10 years? Nope.
x Do you get along with your parents? Of course. I just called my dad to chat, cause I was bored, haha.
x Are you old enough to vote? Yes.
x Are you sad? Nope.
x Do you have mental breakdowns? Not in a while. Last one was maybe...November. And I haven't had one since. And I actually think it might have been more of an emotional breakdown.
x Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school? Uhh when I was like 10.
x Do you have a cell phone? Yes.
x Do you miss someone? Yes.
x If yes, will you call them when you are done with this survey? I doubt it.
x What are you going to do after this survey is done? Make lunch, walk my puppy.
x Are you done with this survey? I think there might be a lot left.
Out of your groups of friends:
Who is the talker? We all talk a decent amount.
Who is the listener? Me, haha.
Who are you worried about? No one. My friends can take care of themselves.
Who are you mad at? No one.
Who are you? Alli
What do you want to achieve fairly soon? Getting a job, a car, and getting accepted to Umass.
What do you want to get rid of? My boredom maybe.
What is one thing you are ashamed of? Ahh.
Say something ironic about your life: Every single guy I've ever liked has either been in a relationship with someone else, or had an issue with their ex being obsessed with them. I can't think of one guy that I've been ALL about, that's been all about me.
What was the last movie you watched in its entirety? The 3rd LOTR movie.
What was the last song you sang out loud? Valenica--Que Sera Sera
What was the last name you said? "The Comcast Dude" haha or Cooper.
Who was the last person you thought of? JenK cause I'm talking to her right now!
Have you
Ever done volunteer work of some kind? mhm
Ever had your appendix removed? No.
Ever read The Giving Tree? I might have.
--if so, Did it make you cry? Alright I don't think I have.
Do you like to be complimented? Depends on who's dishing out the compliments.
Do you like to be hugged? Yes! Someone come hug me.
Do you like to be touched? Who doesn't?
Why do you like to take surveys/questionnaires? Cuz they're something to do when I'm wicked bored.
Do you like school? I need school. Right now.
Why or Why not? Cause I'm bored as f.
Have you ever done recreational drugs? Yea
--if so, why did/do you do them? Boredom, fun, distraction.
--if not, Why Not? --
What religion do you follow? I don't.
--Why? Because I don't know.
List five positive adjectives or descriptive aspects about yourself: crazy, honest, outgoing, loyal, caring
List five negative adjectives or descriptive aspects about yourself: Sometimes I'm too outspoken, I get jealous, defensive, indecisive, and confusing.
Where do you stand on the political spectrum? not in the mood
What is your favorite color? Turquoise and orange
What is your astrological sign? Virgo
Do you write/type in ebonics? HAHA only when I had that weird program on my computer. That was a riot.
Do you text message often? Constantly.
Do you have a crush on a new guy/girl every day? No. Try every couple of months, once I figure out the guy is a fucker.
An In-Depth Analysis...of YOU
For Starters...
I don't care about your name, so let's skip that, ok?: Well, it's been asked 16 times already.
Instead, what's the best thing anyone has ever called you?: The most unique was 'something else' but there have been things like 'you're the kind of girl I can see myself marrying, I cant see myself with anyone else but you for the rest of my life' etc
How old do you feel?: Older than I am, no doubt.
How old do you look?: About 19 I'm guessing.
How tall is your best friend?: 5'4 and 5'3
What color hair did your 5th grade teacher have?: Blondish grey (haha Mrs Handy crystal!!)
What color are your father's eyes?: Blue
Where do you wish you lived?: I'm okay with where I live.
A Bit Deeper Now...
Do you remember your dreams?: Yes, almost always.
If so, tell me the one that disturbed you the most: I hate the dreams I can't wake up from, but I know they're dreams. It's really irritating.
How about the one that made you feel really good?: I don't know, happy dreams I guess?
When you were a child, did you have very vivid nightmares?: Only sometimes.
If so, do you remember them even now?: Yes, I do.
Were you ever betrayed by someone you trusted implicitly?: Oh yes.
What do you do when you're home alone?: You mean every single day of my life? I play with my puppy, sit online, watch tv sometimes. Today I played guitar, went outside for a while, called comcast, paid the bill for the internet, and...that's about as far as I've gotten today.
What do you think about when you are trying to fall asleep at night?: SO many things.
Do you fall asleep easily?: Depends on how drunk/tired I am.
Who is the one person you could never forget?: Zach.
Who do you trust the most?: JenK and Janine.
Tell Me Your Secrets...
Are there things that you've never told another human being?: there is.
If so, have you ever even written them down?: Nope
Have you ever been deeply hurt by a friend?: Yes
If so, have you ever *really* forgiven them?: Yes
Are you a virgin?: No
How do you feel about that?: Fine?
Is there anything that you really regret doing?: nah
How about *not* doing?: Nah
We're Really Deep Now...
What frightens you the most in the whole world?: I don't really think about things like that. I guess never getting anywhere in life is a big one.
Have you ever contemplated suicide?: No.
Have you ever tried to commit it?: No.
Would you donate an organ to your best friend?: Yes.
What if it meant you'd die, but they would die without it?: I'd do it.
What is the worst thing that ever happened to you?: I'm not sure. Probably watching my dad at his mother's funeral. That was devistating.
Are you afraid of death?: No
What do you think happens afterwards?: Who knows?
Are you a religious person?: Nah
What *do* you believe?: I'm not sure.
What are you passionate about?: Photography, music, writing, life, love, everything. I'm a wicked passionate person.
Do you carry a lot of guilt?: No.
Would you carry a gun?: Nah.
Do you have a lot of anger?: Nope.
Have you ever thought you were going crazy?: Haha yes. He tried to make me feel like I was the one going crazy. It was bad.
Have you ever thought that maybe you ARE? Haha I guess it's a possibility?
Do you believe in coincidences?: Sure
Why?: Maybe I don't.
How did you like this survey?: Meh, same old.
1. Are you at work/school right now? If so, are you supposed to be taking surveys on Myspace? No, and Im not even on myspace. Thanks.
2. What is the closest College/University to your house? Uconn maybe? Except for community. Oh wait, maybe QU. I don't know, haha.
3. Did you ever own a pager? nope.
4. If you could only watch one sports team for the rest of your life, who would it be? Bruins.
5. What was your best Halloween costume ever? Who knows?
6. Whats the most annoying tv commercial? The one that was on sports center for chocolates OVER AND OVER.
7. What was the last thing you said to someone? "ahh" hahaha
8. What is your current desktop picture? The beach <3
9. How Many People Have you thought were the "One"? One.
10. Are you crushing on someone right now and they know it? He knows it.
11. Are you crushing on someone right now and they don't know it? Oh, he knows it.
12. Have you ever been ontop of the Empire State Building? Yes. And crystal, you have. We went in 7th grade.
13. What is the biggest turn-off in a girl/guy? being a cocky bitch.
14. If you could bring one dead celebrity back to life, who would it be? Fucking Chris Farley!
15.Do you live in a city with a good sports team? Nooooo
16. Who is the last person you bought a drink for? I have never bought someone a drink at a bar, cause people are constantly handing me drinks. Oh, and I'm poor. But I did buy beer on Saturday.
17. Do you wake up or open your eyes first? I'm not sure.
18. Who is your best friend that you met solely on myspace? Mark!
19. What is the worst physical pain you have ever experienced? When my throat was eating itself and I didnt eat for a month straight.
20. Who is the greatest football player of all time? I don't know, but I like Brett an awful lot.
21. Is the single life for you? I could go either way.
22. Do they put underwear on corpses? HAHA I don't know.
23. Who told you they loved you last? JenK I think.
24. What's your worst fear? Im not answering this again.
25.What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? I effing LOVE Crystal to death.
26. Do you know everyone in your top 8 personally? I have a top 12, and I'm pretty sure I do.
27. If you had to date only people from your myspace friends, would you have to quit myspace? You mean friends that I don't know in real life? Yes.
28. What kind of e-mail account do you have? hotmail, marymount, and gmail
29. DO you think one night stand sex is better than relationship sex? No.
30. Seahawks or Steelers? Steelers bitches.
Childhood weirdness
Did you spend your childhood time with mostly real or imaginary friends?: Sadly, I never had an imaginary friend.
Did people consider you an odd child?: I don't think so. I was a little bitch though.
Do you have memories that go back to when you were only a few months old?: no, I don't remember anything before being 3.
Do you remember any thoughts you had when you where very young?: mhm.
Were they intricate or simple thoughts?: simple probably
If you answered "intricate", give an example of one of those thoughts:
Were you dreams very vivid as a child?: Yes
What is the strangest memory you have from early childhood?: I think I rode an elephant or a camel at some point.
Were you a child prodigy or did you display any gifts at a young age?: I could read when I was 3.
What was the most "grown-up" thing you ever said as a child?: Hmm. I don't think I did any grown up things.
What were your favoite TV shows in early childhood?: Oh man, I don't know. Anything on Nick.
Were you afraid of monsters?: Nope.
Did you believe that fictional characters were real?: Yes :(
Were you more quiet and artistic or loud and physical?: artistic and LOUD and physical.
Issues and US Stuff
Do you eat meat?: I do now...
If you do, what is your justification for it?: because I wanted to.
If you could legalize 3 things in the US, what would they be?: marijuana, drinking at 18, and making the speed limit much faster.
Do you belive in the death penalty?: NO.
Did Mumia do it?: Mumia? I feel dumb right now.
If you had a choice, which country would you have chosen to be born into? Ireland.
What are your opinions of Michael Moore?: He's alright.
Describe your feelings about marijuana legalization: Hahaha yes. It needs to be legalized.
What about gay marriage?: All for it.
Red, White and Blue is a ghastly color combination, right?: I don't care. It's the colors on the Pabst can, so I'm alright with it.
What television news coverage do you detest the most?: I dont.
What will you do if Bush is re-elected? He can't be...Thankfully. Fucker.
Which state do you think will drop off into the ocean first?: ...
Who do you consider "American Heroes"? The troops overseas and teachers
Completely Obtuse And Silly Questions
Have you ever taken something apart just to see how it worked? Yes, haha.
Do you ever yell at the television while you are alone? Reason?: ALL the time. I don't know why?
Name a few things (if any) that you bought on Ebay recently: Nothing.
Are the Muppetes sinister? Think about it: The muppets are awesome.
Do you watch the Science Channel (Discovery) on a regular basis?: No.
Ever gotten into an "in person" argument with a total stranger?: Yes, I have.
Sugar or Honey?: Honey. In tea. mmm.
What's on your desk right now?: diet coke a cup of coffee, my camera, some cds, chapstick, a letter my sister wrote me, and some makeup.
How many e-mails do you recieve a day?: 10ish
Do you think that time travel is a possibility?: Maybe.
Have you ever had a past life regression?: No
Are you slightly addicted to online tests and surveys?: Yes.
San Francisco or New York City?: NYC
What are your favorite color combinations?: turquoise and orange.
Close your eyes and type the first random image that pops into your head: peanuts. ewww I hate peanuts.
Do you enjoy night or day better?: either.
Favorite animal: donkey and koala.
Have you ever been to a protest?: Yes
Aggravated a cop on purpose?: Of course. Madison cops "WHOA we're halfway there! whoaaaa! livin' on a prayer!"
Worst decision you ever made?: Going to marymount
Ever gone train hopping/ridden the rails?: It's impossible to not pay on a train nowadays
Best invention of this century? Worst?: iPodsssss. I dont know.
If you could choose a time period in which to live, which would it be?: 20's or 60's.
Ever put your hand through a window?: Yes.
List a few words you hate the sound of: No.
And a few you like the sound of: No.
Are you sick of this survey yet? YES.
Emotions And Such
Have you attempted suicide more than once?: No?
Cutting?: Yea
Do you get violent when you are angry?: No
Which emotion are you most consumed by?: Happiness, as of late.
Are you highly emotive?: Maybe?
Do you discuss problems or keep them to yourself?: usually keep them to myself. since Im everyone's ear, and no one's mine. It's pretty neat.
Do you fall in love easily?: No
What age/year was the most difficult for you?: Senior year
How do you channel your anger/sadness?: I get PISSED, chainsmoke, and then think of a plot of revenge.
Ever been addicted to alcohol or drugs?: I wouldn't say it's an addiction...
Ever been homeless?: No
List a few simple things that make you happy: friends, family, music, kissing
When were you most recently your happiest?: I'm always happy.
Do you consider yourself empathetic?: Mhm
Describe your best friend as if you were describing a character from a film: I don't wanna.
Do you have friends that are drastically different from each other?: Oh god yes
List a few key traits that all of your friends have in common: they're all hot as HELLO, and they all have a bitchin' sense of humor.
Do you keep in touch with friends from highschool?: Uhh, Briana and Crystal. That's about it. Oh, and Vanessa sometimes. Kim's too cool now.
Have you lost touch with many of your friends?: Oh yea.
Are they mostly local or long distance?: My friends? Some are long distance, some are local.
When you go out with friends, what kinds of things do you do?: drink, shows, movies, hang out, swim, xdeckxcorex
Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend?: YEP
If yes, are you still friends with that person?: Yea
Are your friends mostly your age, younger or older?: all three.
Do you have a hard time making friends because most people bore you?: Nah, I make friends wicked easy.
Do you like to hang out with friends one-on-one or in groups?: Small groups.
Which of you online friends do you have the most in common with?: JenK, definitely.
Are you close to your family?: Wicked.
What traits are you glad you inherited from them?: all of them.
Which traits are you pissed off you inherited from them?: being so stubborn and competitive. Im such a shea.
What sitcom does your family most remind you of?: None
Does your family live locally or far away?: localish
Have you ever stopped speaking to someone in your family?: Yes
Have either of your parents died?: No
Is your family very much like you or are you opposites?: VERY much like me.
How many siblings do you have?: 2.5
Has your family ever thrown food at each other?: I'm sure we have.
Are the holidays a nightmare or a time of joy? haha it depends. Usually they go pretty smooth.
Do you look like your parents?: My mom and I look SO much alike.
List one interesting fact about your family: We're too competitive for our own good.
Gay, Straight, Bi-sexual or no idea?: No idea.
Married/partnered?: No
Ever gone out with someone you were embarassed to be seen with?: No.
Ever broken someones heart?: I've been told so.
How many serious relationships have you had?: 2
Do you believe in monogamy?: Yes
Have you ever lusted obsessively over someone you knew you couldn't have?: Nope
Do you believe in the theory of soulmates?: Yes, I have one <3 JenK
Ever cheated?: NEVER EVER. Worst thing ever.
Been cheated on?: Yep.
Thrown someones stuff out on the lawn/stairs/etc.?: Haha Yes.
Had your stuff thrown out on the lawn/stairs/etc.?: No.
Most important emotional qualities of a lover?: honest, trustworthy, compassionate
Most important physical qualities?: Height, smile/teeth
Food & Drink
Non-alcoholic beverage of choice:: diet coke, orange juice, and orange soda are awesome
Alcoholic beverage of choice: Beer
Foods you crave on a regulr basis: I want ice cream so badly right now. Some one bring me icecream!
Salsa and Chips or Pita and Hummus?: Pita and Hummus, and now I want that instead of ice cream. mmmm.
Meat or Tofu?: Tofu is sooo good.
Soup or Salad?: salad
Soda or Juice?: juice
Can I get you anything else?: french fries :P
What's your problem?: Hahaha dramaaa.
Favorite candy:: gum
Favorite food to make: Sushi is so fun to make.
Food brand that you hate?: I dont know.
Do you try to buy all organic?: I used to.
Favorite quick food?: Uh, taco bell.
Would You Rather...
Eat a steak or a whole tube of toothpaste?: steak
Be covered in papercuts or cigarette burns?: Oh christ, that's awful to think about.
Be percieved as intelligent or street-smart (but not both)?: Either.
Eat a bottle cap or a spider the size of a bottle cap?: bottle cap. GROSS. I'm so terrified of spiders.
Have to always eat standing up or always enter your car from the sunroof.: HAHAHA sunroof.
Be ruled exclusively by your heart or your mind?: Heart
Have the power to read minds or make anyone fall in love with you?: Read minds.
Chew shards of broken glass or sit on a lighted barbeque grill?: chew broken glass
Not be able to tell the time or not know left from right?: I already barely know my left from my right.
Be able to fly or be able to render yourself invisible?: Fly!
Eat 15 feet of aluminum foil or swallow 3 steel guitar strings?: guitar strings.
Have questionable integrity or no sense of humor?: questionable integrity
Always spit when you talk or always be spit on while spoken to?: I don't wanna be that guy that spits on people.
Granted the answers to any 3 questions or ability to resurrect one person?: the 3 questions.
Final Questions
Ever had a great song ruined for you after it was used in a commercial?: Nah.
Ever yelled at an SUV?: YES.
A Hummer?: YES.
Ever faked being sick to get out of going somewhere?: Probably.
Horror film that freaked you out the most?: I don't know.
Horror film that is so scary, you could not be paid to watch it again.: I don't know.
If you could turn back time and change one thing, what would it be?: Nothing.
Bambi or Nemo?: nemo!
List 3 things that are worrying you right now: money, job, college
It's too fucking long, right?: hell yes
Well, I'm just trying to help you pass the time.: i know
What was the first concert you ever went to?: hanson! haha
Do you think you'll ever have children if you don't already?: Im not sure. Probably.
Do you think there is life on other planets?: Maybe
Have you ever broken a leg or arm?: No
Would you rather stay in the house or do things outside: outside
David Letterman or Jay Leno?: Iduno
Last words?: My puppy is cuter than yours.