Jun 16, 2009 22:05

Uta-san, Kitty-san, Promise-san, Rokuta-san, Haruka-san, and a few others I never got the chance to get their names.

My deepest thanks and gratitudes for helping me upon arrival! I don't know how to thank any of you, other than that. Especially Haruka-san for offering me a place to stay. It's good to at least see someone from home is here, too. Is it bad I am torn between wishing my father here and that he stays?

The curses from this weekend make it very difficult to tell who is who, now. How is that? A few were younger than they appeared, and now they're older than they seem to be. Or there were a few saying things they never meant to say; It makes me wonder about a man who was talking about a war resistance.

It's a little alarming, don't you think? Maybe it's a very bad thing for me to wonder what's real and what's not.

I talked to a boy over the weekend, too, dear journal. I might have gotten ahead of myself, but he made a comment about me forgetting something. I don't remember feeling dizzy, so it might have not been an attack. What really concerns me is if things like this continue to happen, it'll make it more difficult to tell if I have a fit or not. I am, after all, in a world that distorts time and minds.

I feel really sick. More than usual right now...

[ooc; Guys, I'm really, really sorry about the dropped tags. Like I said, I got slammed Friday, and it kind of went down hill from there, thanks to a lot of family drama. Hotaru will likely stay with a canon mate, but she'll pester people to death that she's spoken to. HI, abandonment issues. If I get scarce again, feel free to IM me -- it's the quickest way to get to me D:! ALSO, note to fabulous Haruka-mun? Mistress 9 is giving her grief because something feels ~off~ for them both, feel free to notice!]

sadface ):, capricorns are killjoys, daaaaaaaaaaad!, bat country, giant martyr complex, abandoment issues, the darker side of me, negative nancy

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