Nov 22, 2008 13:24

Well, I don't care if you're a vampire, werewolf, demon, or monster, at all ( Read more... )

surrounded by vampires and fine with it, curse, bat country, your mun wonders about you hotaru, too sweet for my own good, i break my mun's brain, unaffected, i like vampires!

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1/2 134_340 November 22 2008, 20:38:50 UTC


2/2 134_340 November 22 2008, 20:39:14 UTC
That's a nice thought.


1/ 4 Oh god alldevouring November 22 2008, 20:43:15 UTC
alldevouring November 22 2008, 20:43:45 UTC


alldevouring November 22 2008, 20:44:18 UTC
Y-You're here! I-I'm so glad to see you!


alldevouring November 22 2008, 20:44:52 UTC
I mean, I-

I know of a few, a-and... th-they've always been really nice, and-


LJ doesn't like me much. ;_; 134_340 November 22 2008, 21:13:02 UTC
I'm glad to see you too.

And I trust they would be nice. I hope they have been honest with you.


I think LJ hates us all D: alldevouring November 22 2008, 21:21:56 UTC
Wh-when did you get here? I'm sorry, I didn't notice-

Ara, I trust that they have?


It wants us to gtfo, doesn't it. :( 134_340 November 22 2008, 21:25:31 UTC
And I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you before now. I arrived yesterday and things were... a bit hectic.

People are usually honest, at least.


Too bad, we're fandom, and we are MANY alldevouring November 22 2008, 21:30:47 UTC
Is everything alright? Nothing bad happened, did it?


Mwaha, so true. [Senshi Filter] 134_340 November 22 2008, 21:36:43 UTC
Seiya Kou acted strangely. But we haven't spoken, so I can't say why.

I'm sure it's nothing too serious, though.


[Senshi Filter] alldevouring November 22 2008, 21:40:16 UTC
What, what did he do?

But who is he, anyway, and how can we trust him?


[Senshi Filter] 134_340 November 22 2008, 21:43:39 UTC
He had a fight with Haruka. I don't quite understand the reason.

Hotaru - what is your last memory of our world?


[Senshi Filter] alldevouring November 22 2008, 22:12:56 UTC

Queen Nehellenia -- we sent her back home.


[Senshi Filter minus Seiya BRB talking behind your BAACK! :P] 134_340 November 22 2008, 22:19:37 UTC
I see.

Have the others told you nothing about Seiya-san yet?


[Senshi Filter minus Seiya WE RULE] alldevouring November 22 2008, 22:22:42 UTC
No, I don't think I've heard a full explanation about who he is, yet.

I don't feel as if he' an enemy, Usagi-chan likes him well enough.


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