(no subject)

Apr 06, 2009 13:51

Weird little updates:

My skin has improved dramatically since moving to my new place. Almost no damage whatsoever with the exception of a small little zit about a quarter the size of a bread crumb. And I'm pretty sure it was an ingrown hair from shaving. So rock on for me.

So it turns out keeping a window open 24/7 not only keeps fresh air circulating through my home, but let's in this stuff they call "sunlight". And apparently, this "sunlight" causes a natural biochemical feeling of....um....what's the opposite of crippling depression called? Yeah, that.

I have more coffee filters than toilet paper.

For some reason, I'm not as worried as I should be about money or employment. I don't know why. But I do my budget for the week, figure out how much I have (and it's less and less by the week), and then make more cutbacks. And for some reason, this is oddly cathartic. Very therapeutic. Of course, I feel like I'm devolving into dorm room Jon, or "living at Jay's Jon", but it feels good to just focus on what I need and cut down to the bone on what I don't.

I think I might sell my car. Get a classic convertible instead. Less reliable, more fun.

I'm not as active as I'd like to be...but there's a combination of reasons for that. 1. Going outside costs money. So no. And 2. I'm intentionally restricting my diet to bare essentials. It's not the healthiest diet, but I've lost 23 pounds. In two weeks. THAT makes me happy.

I think that's it.
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