(no subject)

Oct 01, 2004 20:51

So I spent two hours in a cramped waiting room today. fun stuff.

Why? I hear you asking already. well I will tell you. I am trying to get a job with the Jacksonville Sherriff's Office as a Fingerprint Technician Trainee. There was an ad in the Florida Times-Union (newspaper) that my mom showed me. and I applied and took a test. Hopefully I will know soon if I am eligible, and if I am, I will be put on an eligibility list that they call from for a year. that would bee cool if they called me. and geez. the money I'd make from that job? wow. it's like at least 4 times as much as what I make at old navy (even the low end of the salary range for the job) and I could possibly think about getting an apartment. that would be awesome. Hell if I made enough, I could move into the apartment complex Brian and A'drien live in. wouldn't that be AWESOME?

plus... i am starting to get sick of the retail world. I mean, don't get me wrong. I absolutely LOVE the people I work with, but I am getting sick of dealing with assholes on a daily (sort of) basis. i say "sort of" daily cause I do not work every day. In fact, I have this whole weekend off because I was supposed to be in Memphis right now, but ah well. we all know how that went. and if you don't, go listen to my last phone post. you can listen to it using winamp. yep yep.

A'drien and I have a whole plan figured out if either of us wins the lottery. it's going to be fun. now maybe I should just go get tickets. there's a drawing tomorrow.

money wouldn't solve all my problems, but it could get me to wherever Ingram Hill is playing whenever I felt like it. and I would not have to get loans for school if I won the lottery. We have a plan, I swear :D

oh, yes. THANK YOU ASHLEY for the lurvely concert call! what song was that? I am an idiot and I couldn't quite tell!

so yeah. i was downtown doing that test thing for three hours. and parking was only 3.21 in the garage. i was lucky i got a garage spot. hah. cause there was a lot next door to the garage, but he charged 3 bucks an hour or 5 for the whole day. so yeah.

yep. two hours. but on the bright side, I got lots of studying done. so yeah.

and i withdrew from my programming class. so yeah. i am down to 3/4 time. but whatever. i hate programming and i am not doing anything in that program of study so, no point in me being in that class.

i also woke up at 9am and I am still awake. no nap or anything. what is wrong with me???
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