Jun 03, 2005 13:07
ok so i'm tired and it's friday the third. Three is a good number, in fact it's my favorite number. so anyway, i'm just trying to figure out this thing called "live journal", and it's not working out very well. you see, the thing is that you all have had your little accounts probably since you were wee-little freshmen in high-school. me? i'm trying to hop on the wagon after its already passed me. i figure i can just toy around with it when i'm bored or procrastinating...which is what i'm doing. i'm fighting a sickness too--it's rather funny... you see, when i was a kid my dad would always explain scientific or phsysiological things in terms of battles, wars, and little partying men. For example, he made me think that when i got sick, these little gross men, or viruses, would come into my body and totally party, which would make me feel bad. Then, as the story went, the white blood cells came and were like "dude, we should help out jen's body and kick these guys out!" so they would do many things to get the bad guys out. they would yell things at them, hit them, make fun of their moms, but in the end the tactic that worked was this: they all decided at one point that the viruses only liked to party when the temperature was good, so they thought that if they made it really really hot, everything would be okay. So they start fires and crank up the heaters and jump around a lot, giving you, the body, a fever. WOW. as a little kid that was the most amazing story ever, and suceeded in getting me in trouble in elementary school when i tried to convince my teacher that was what happened when you got sick. Even to this day i think about it. Like i said, i'm kinda on the verge of getting sick right now, but i'm totally trying to fight it--like every time i drink a bottle of water or take vitamins in my head i'm like "fuck ya...hahah...the party is over guys..." it's weird, i know, but i blame all of it (as well as the many other quirky attributes of mine) on my upbringing. My parents were slightly psychotic. i'll get into that another time. but for now, you just think about the little men inside of you, and keep them happy.