018. Scenes and Sequences: Top 3 'Kill Bill, Vol.1' moments

Apr 13, 2009 01:34

Okay, I'm gonna try and make this my last entry for this challenge at picspammy but I got in the mood for Kill Bill last night and I just HAD to make a spam out of it! I feel like the Kill Bill series is probably one of the most underrated set of films out there, they are just so different and with such a unique story, a fantastic cast, amazing director and a score to match.

Warning: Not dial up friendly, masses of movie gore & swearing (after all it is a Quentin Tarantino movie) so possible NSFW and obvious spoilers if you haven't seen the movie.

03; The Bride vs The Crazy 88

The Bride: [spanking a young member of the Crazy 88s with her sword] This is what you get for fucking around with Yakuzas! [with a last spank, lets him go] Go home to your mother!


The Bride: (JAPANESE) Those of you lucky enough to still have your lives. Take them with you. But leave the limbs you've lost. They belong to me now.

02; Wiggle Your Big Toe / The Origins of O-Ren Ishii
The Bride: (monotone) Wiggle your big toe. (Toe doesn't move an inch.) Wiggle your big toe. (It doesn't move.) Wiggle your big toe. (VOICE OVER) As I lay in the back of Buck's pickup truck, trying to will my limbs out of entropy, I could see the faces of the cunts who did this to me, and the dick responsible. Members all of Bill's brainchild; "The Deadly Viper Assassination Squad."

The Bride: (VOICE OVER) Now after five years of beauty sleep I knew absolutely nothing about my enemies' strengths weakness or whereabouts. But as fated by God vengeance would have it, I who knew nothing - knew one thing. As sure as God made little green apples...if O-Ren Ishii, the first name on my Death List, was still alive... she'd live in Japan. O-Ren Ishii, made her first acquaintance with death at the age of eleven.

The Bride: (VOICE OVER)THE BRIDE (V.O.) It was at that age, a half-Chinese, half-Japanese American Army brat witnessed the murder of her Master Sergeant father. And the rape, then murder of her mother at the hands of Japan's most ruthless Yakuza boss, Boss Matsumoto. She swore revenge...luckily for her, Boss Matsumoto was a pedophile. At thirteen, she got her revenge. By twenty, she was one of the tip top of female assassins in the world. At twenty five she did her part in the killing of eight innocent people, including my unborn daughter, in a small wedding chapel in El Paso Texas. But on that day, five years ago, she made one big mistake...she Should of killed nine. However, before statisfaction would be mine, first things first...

The Bride: Wiggel your big toe. (her big toe wiggles slightly) Hart part's over. Now let's get these other piggies wiggling.

01; Showdown at the house of blue leaves aka 'The part when HBIC shows who is boss'.

The Bride: (V.O) At the age of twenty, Bill backed his Nippon progeny financially and philosophically in her Shakespearian-in-magnitude power struggle with the other Yakuza clans, over who would rule vice in the city of Tokyo. When it was all over, it was the geisha-regaled O-Ren Ishii that proved the victor.

The Bride: (V.O) And just in case you're wondering how could a half breed Japanese Chinese American become the boss of all criminal activity in Tokyo, Japan,... I'll tell you. The subject of O-Ren's blood and nationality came up before the council only once. The night O-Ren assumed power over the crime council. (Boss Tanaka is the picture of angered ambiance among the alcohol-fueled frivolity.) The man who seems bound and determined to break the mood is Boss Tanaka. And what Boss Tanaka thinks is...

(Boss Tanaka brings his fist down on the table, smashing the plate in front of him into itty bitty pieces. The party comes to a halt as all eyes go to the leader of the Tanaka Crime Family.)

Crime Family Leader #2 (JAPANESE): Tanaka? What's the meaning of this outburst? This is a time for celebration.

Boss Tanaka (JAPANESE): And what exactly should I be celebrating? The perversion of our illustrious council?

(The Bosses all react with shock and outrage...O-Ren remains cool. She raises her voice for the first word, but lowers it for the rest of the sentence.)

O-Ren (JAPANESE): Gentlemen...Boss Tanaka obviously has something on his mind. Allow him to express it.

Boss Tanaka (JAPANESE): My father...(looking at a clan head)...along with yours and...(looking at another)...along With yours, started this council. And while you drink like fish and laugh like donkeys, they weep in the afterlife over the perversion committed today.

(The BOSSES react again)

O-Ren (JAPANESE): Silence! (then composed) Of what perversion do you speak, Tanaka?

Boss Tanaka (JAPANESE): I speak, Mistress Ishii,....of the perversion done to this council, which I love more than my own children,...by making a half Chinese American its leader.

(Then...faster than you can say Jimminy Cricket,...O-Ren's samurai sword is unsheathed... Boss Tanaka's head is liberated from its body... The head hits the floor... And from the spot between its shoulder blades, a geyser of blood shoots up in the air. The BOSSES who were shocked at Tanaka's words are even more flabbergasted at O-Ren's resonse.)

O-Ren: I'm going to say this in English so you know how serious I am. As your eader, I encourage you to -- from time to time and always in a respectful manner, and with the complete knowledge that my decision is final -- to question my logic. If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so. But allow me to convince you. And I will promise you, right here and now, no subject will be taboo...except the subject that was just under discussion. The price you pay for bringing u either my Chinese or my American heritage as a negative is, I collect your fuckin head. (now completely American) Just like this fucker here (holds up the decapitated head of Tanaka). Now if any of you sonsabitches got anything else to say, now's the fuckin time. (No one says anything) I didn't think so. (In Japanese) Gentlemen, this meeting is adjourned.

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!challenge, movie: kill bill vol.1, *hxcfairy

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