(no subject)

Oct 11, 2009 10:25

Tittle: First Ray Of Sunshine

Genre:  sorta angst, romance

Beta: gal_ps thanks so much dear~

Disclaimer: if only they’re mine *sigh* sadly not huhu~
Summary: they have a barbecue at Ueda’s place, his secret crush is there too…
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ryoda,  Akame

First ray of sunshine

Everyone was laughing happily. News, including Uchi, and KATTUN, all of them were there. Paper cups and plates, lots of foods, and a barbecue set. Yes, they were having a barbecue party. Not for any reason though, they just felt like doing it.

It started as a small plan, where Jin was whining to his best friends, Yamapi and Ryo in the NEWS changing room. Pi was thrilled when he heard that, though Ryo merely listened as he strummed his guitar, trying to write a new song and ignoring the two bakas. And it turned bigger when Koyama and Tegoshi suddenly joined the talk and Massu, well, he’s Massu, as Ryo had once said, he might be a pig in his before life.

Jin insisted to drag Kame into this, and Kame felt like he was an alien in that group of people, so he suggested that they should invite TTUN too. Jin could never be more thrilled than that.

That is why, suddenly my house was crowded. Ueda sighed as he looked around, feeling nauseous thinking that tomorrow, he might have to call for help from his main house to ask the maids to come and clean up the mess. So far, one vase was broken, a plastic chair was missing and his newly bought bonsai pot was nowhere to be found. He sighed again when he saw Taguchi was being thrown into the pool for the 2nd time.

“Oi fishlips, why are you sighing and sitting here all alone? Be hospitable to your guest. Stop making that weird expression.” Someone suddenly sat next to him, making him to jolt up in surprise.

“Nishikido, you scared the shit out of me! What are you doing here?” Ueda smacked his arm hard, still massaging his chest. Thank God I’m still young, if not I might get a heart attack!

“Ouch, stop hitting me. It might leave bruises you moron.” Ryo replied, while rubbing his unlucky arm. “I’m bored and I’ve seen you.  Might as well say hi. Nice house by the way.”

“Well, thanks to you guys, I haven’t even started living here yet. This is the first night though. I’m always too tired to come here.”Ueda explained, and he yawned. It was almost 2 a.m.  already.

“Come on, seems like everyone else are tired too. And the foods are finished. We can have hot drinks or more beers inside.” Ryo said when he saw the blanked look on Ueda’s face. Slowly, he dragged him inside.

Ueda, who was too sleepy to start with, only walked with him, but then the sight in front of him made froze.

“Hm?” Ryo stopped too, when he realized his companion became immobile. He took a look and saw what had made him stop. Jin and Kame was talking intimately by the pool. They were sitting by the side; legs dip in the water and playfully teasing each other.

This made his heart clenched. He tried so hard to suppress his feelings for Kame. He knew that it was impossible for Kame to like him back, but he couldn’t control it. They grew up together. He saw how Kame transformed from a gawky boy to the most beautiful guy he had ever met. He worked so hard to achieve his goal, be in a drama or his butai. He felt inspired whenever he saw him. At first he thought that maybe, maybe he only was too fond of him. His cheeky attitude and his serious side. Whenever Kame clung onto him, or whispered something funny in his ears, he felt his heart beat so fast, and his face starting to get warm. He couldn’t control it, it happened naturally.

As much as he liked Kame, there was an obstacle. An obstacle by the name of Akanishi Jin.

They had a long history and are a lot more close together than him and Kame. No matter how hard he tried, he could never come in between them.

“Stop it.” Ryo suddenly stood in front of him, hands on his cheek.


“Looking so miserable,  as if you want to cry.” Ryo said again. This time eyes looking so stern at him. “Come on, forget about it. Just move on. We can even act as lovers in front of them.”

Move on? What the heck is he thinking? Did he by any chance know my feelings for Kame?  Thinking about that made Ueda blush, but luckily, it is dark outside.

“So, where do we sleep?” Ryo asked as they went in. “Seems like all of them are either drunk or too sleepy.” He pointed at a bunch of their friends, all lying around on the couches and some even on the floor. Koki and Tegoshi shared a couch, where, Tegoshi’s head was on Koki’s lap. Yamapi, Maru and Junno had fallen on the floor with some cushions.

Ueda couldn’t stop himself from letting out soft chuckles. He quietly gestured Ryo to help him wake his friends and showed them the rooms.

“Let me go and change. Then I’ll help you ok.” He said, and slipped into his bedroom to change into his pajamas. Then he went out to help Ryo waking up his friends.

“Urgh Pi, you are heavy! Hey, wake up, don’t sleep on me!” Ryo yelped, as Yamapi slung himself to Ryo, making them both almost fall on the floor, but thanks to Ueda’s fast movement, they managed to get him on the bed. “Next time, no more beers after midnight. You stink, Pi!” Ryo muttered, as he put his legs on the bed.

“Well, you love him, just admit it~” Ueda teased him, poking Ryo’s cheek.

“I don’t!” Ryo retorted back, stomping his foot as he walked out of the room.

For almost an hour, they managed to wake everyone up, and moved them to the rooms.

“Phew~ next time, I’ll make sure Massu will go to gym with Pi. He was so heavy and thick! I couldn’t even shake him up.” Ryo said exhaustedly, as he fetched a glass from the cupboard and pour the water from the jug. Drinking in gulp, he sighed in satisfaction. “AAHH~ nice one. Okay, I’m tired already. Where are we going to sleep? Nice pajamas by the way. It makes you look, erm, what people always say? Ah yes, CUTE.” He chuckled, as he drank some more.

“I’m not cute. I just grab the first that I touched. And stop touching me!”He swatted Ryo hand away, feeling so embarrassed of the colour. It is soft pink, and yes, he had to admit it, it made him look cute.

“Aww~ come on, I think there must be tones of times where people have said you are cute.” Ryo teased him again. His right hand suddenly started touching his hair, trailing to his cheek, rubbing it softly, and drawing circles on it. “And I think that you are extremely cute in this.”

This time, Ueda couldn’t stop himself from getting redder. He didn’t know why was his heart racing so fast, and those mesmerizing orbs were staring at him intensely, making him harder to breathe. He could feel Ryo’s face was getting nearer.

He tried to look elsewhere, biting his lips from giving stupid answers.

But his eyes caught on something, or rather, someone. He saw it again. Kame and Jin were standing by the door. Jin was touching Kame’s hair tenderly. Ueda could sense how Kame’s eyes were looking at Jin like he was the only one in his world, admiring him and the softness in his eyes. Jin touched Kame’s  arms slowly, and pulled him closer by his waist. Closer, until their faces were inches apart. Jin lowered his head and -

Ryo blocked his view from seeing more.

“If you are going to cry after seeing those acts, then I’m stopping you.” He said firmly, and he walked closer. “I’m here. Don’t look somewhere else.” He whispered into Ueda’s ear.

He couldn’t understand his feelings inside, but somehow that simple gesture made him utterly happy, and the warmness seeped into his heart. He felt he’s not alone to face with the sad emotions, like Ryo would always be there to catch him from falling.

I haven’t got the chance to answer, as all I can see was Ryo’s face getting closer to mine. I could even count his eyelashes, or his moles and I couldn’t stop myself from closing my eyes, expecting a kiss...

“Ehem, are we disturbing something?”

…or maybe not. Ueda sighed, his face starting to rise few degrees. Jin is so stupid! He cursed in his heart. He tried not to look awkward, by docking his face down.

Ryo turned around and glared at the source of disturbance. “Yes, if you knew it already, why were you even asking?! Urgh talking about stupid people.”

Hearing that almost made Jin choked while drinking his beer. “Wh-what? Are you serious? I thought you were going to say ‘there’s something in his eyes and you were helping him’ or something like that.”

“There’s no point denying it, ne Tatsuya?” Ryo smirked, half hugging his hime, who was blushing furiously and trying to look elsewhere. Tenderly Ryo raised his chin, making him look into his eyes. Without warning, Ryo once again moved so near to his face, Ueda, automatically closed his eyes, anticipating a kiss, but a pair of moist lips landed on his cheek, making him open his eyes. He blinked few times, trying to understand the situation.

Ryo chuckled when he saw the unsatisfied look on Ueda’s face. “What? Not enough?” he teased him, making him blushed deeper.

“Mou~ Ryo you meanie!” Ueda hit him on his chest, pouting. This is embarrassing, why are we acting like we are already a couple?? Ryo is an idiot, making me act like this!!!

Ryo smugly caught his hand that landed on his chest, and put it on his heart, making Ueda felt his heart beat. Then he pulled it away, and opened up his palm, and kissed it. “Oyasumi hime, come let’s sleep.” Gently he turned Ueda around and led him to the room where they had laid the futons before.

“Look what they had done, Junno moved around when he sleeps! And Koki kicks around too! Kame~” Jin whined, when he saw the arrangement. Actually, Ueda and Ryo had made them sleep next to each other, but Junno had moved around and it seemed like Koki too, and now they had to sleep next to them. So without saying anything, Ueda chose a space next to Junno, and Ryo was between Junno and Pi. While Jin was at the end, next to Maru while Kame shut the light off and slept next to Ueda. Sighing, Ueda looked around in the darkness, after few minutes, he felt sleepy and soon doze off, like his friends.

Ueda biological clock woke him up as usual. He always wakes up around this time, 5 a.m., where he would take a bath, had some light breakfast and go for a jog until 6.30 a.m. Later he will go to work at 7 a.m.  He sighed, today was his day off, but he still woke up at the same wee hour. His head felt a bit spinning due to the alcohol he drank yesterday. He tried to turn around, but a pair of firm hand stopped him, he tried to peak, it was Junno’s. Gently, he tried to unlock it, quietly stood up and twisted the door knob, and walked out of the room. He went to the kitchen, fetched a cup of water, and turned on his coffee maker.

He brought the cup with him, and opened the sliding door to his porch, where the cold wind can flows in. he walked outside, and sat by the pool. It was cold, and still dark, but he felt like he wanted to be alone. He stayed there, with eyes closed, and it felt like ages. But he liked it; he could be alone and think about a lot of things. He breathed in the cold air, and it made him shiver. He was about to stood up to take a blanket or anything thick, when a hand stopped his track. His heart almost jumped out, it made him scared, and his face became pale.

“RYO! YOU MAKE M-mph!” his words were stopped by his hands on his mouth, he could only glare back.

“Shh…you’ll wake up the others with your yell. And damn, it almost has ruined my ears, they are precious to me.” He gestured him to sit down and wrapped a big blanket on around of their bodies. “It’s warmer this way, gosh! You body is freezing, come here!” Ryo pulled him in his embrace, to lean into his. “I couldn’t sleep, Yamapi was ‘sexually harassing’ in my sleep.” Ryo spoke, which making Ueda laughed out when he heard the other’s chosen words.

“It was disgusting I tell you! I was dreaming something nice, and suddenly there was someone’s hands, hugging me tightly, and then it touched my chest and moaning some else’s name, that is a major turn off! Straight away I pushed him and woke up. ” Ryo explained and this had made Ueda laughed harder. “Stop laughing! It was stupid I tell you.” He scolded Ueda, and then turned all suddenly serious.  “So how are you feeling? Out of Kame already?”

Ueda thought for awhile. All this morning, since he woke up, he hadn’t had any grudge feeling to Kame, or feeling sad. “Nope, I’m over it.” he smiled, feeling genuine about it.

“Then it’s good, because I’m tired of acting like your boyfriend. Let’s make it real.” Ryo spoke; his mouth is direct to Ueda’s ear, making him shiver inside. His heart started to pound to a faster rhythm. “Can I?”

Slowly, Ueda nodded his head. Ryo turned him around, and on the first ray of sunshine, he kissed him.

“Aahh~ I’ve been willing to do this for ages.” Ryo moaned out, smiling with satisfied face.

“Why didn’t you do it yesterday then?” Ueda voiced out, not fully content with the kiss. He pulled him again, kissing him languidly, and looking all cute, making Ryo’s heart melted.

“I’m keeping it for today. Happy birthday hime, and I’m giving you myself as a present, happy??”Ryo cheekily replied.

“Can I keep my present forever then?” Ueda voiced out in a timid voice.

Putting his hand where his heart was, Ryo smiled widely and said, “Yes, definitely!”

The End

p/s: a belated Bday fic for Tatchan~ by the way, this fic was first written for other purpose at first ^^;; anyone can anyone identfiy it? I managed to changed it a bit to suit Tatchan's bday fic, coz I'm so late for the 1st purpose that I wrote this fic for hehe~ the person who managed to identify it 1st, I'll write a fic for u (as the prize ^^ I'm being generous!) but ryoda only, others as side pairing is ok, so good luck!

ryoda, akame, first ray of sunshine

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