(no subject)

Aug 25, 2008 22:59

Tittle: I Will Make You Mine!
Author: allboutp
Genre: fluff, sorta huhu~
Beta:  funkysparks thanks dear~
Disclaimer: if only they’re mine *sigh* sadly not huhu~
Summary: Ryo gets some ‘help’ in getting his hime…

This one is for you   hanny2luv*chu~*

I will make you mine

“Ueda Tatsuya!” a boy yelled out his name loudly, he was running fast towards his direction, stopping abruptly when he’s near. He has jet black hair and a set of very piercing eyes.

Ueda Tatsuya who was walking with his friends; Kamenashi Kazuya and Taguchi Junnosuke, whom were known as Kame and Junno, turned around to find the owner of the voice.

“Ueda Tatsuya I like you! Be my boyfriend!” the boy called him out again, exclaiming what he wanted, as if he will explode if he didn’t do it.

Ueda was stunned when he heard the confession. Who is this boy? He looked closer at the said boy.

He was holding a daffodil in his left hand.

Ueda was getting impatient, plus he was embarrassed. “Do you ever realize that I’m a boy too? I am,” he touched his chest, “flat, no boobs, see? And,” he straightened his uniform, “wearing a boy’s uniform. In case if your eyes are blind, I think you better get them checked, dude.” He pointed out. He turned around, trying to run away from those awkward moments.

“Do you think that I’m stupid to not know that you are a boy too? Come on, this is an all-boys’ school. Of course I know.” The boy rolled his eyes. ”But I still like you though, I don’t know why, just don’t ask.”

“Whatever, I don’t care. You are crazy, you know that?” Ueda merely replied, thinking that the boy was indeed crazy.

The boy couldn’t take any rejection. So, he grabbed his arms, pulling him closer and kissed him chastely on his lips. Smirking, he whispered in his right ear, “I will make you fall in love with me, whether you like it or not. Keep this,” he said, handing him the flower. “And don’t forget the name; Nishikido Ryo.”

This left a very shocked Ueda standing in the corridor, with a red face, and a daffodil in his hand.


“Ryo chan~ why are you here again? Sulking?” his best friend, Yamashita Tomohisa, mostly known as Yamapi, chirped happily to him, sitting next to him on the grass.

“I heard the ruckus that you made earlier? Love confession plus a kiss? Damn you surely are fast ne~” Yamapi added.

“Shut up! I just couldn’t wait anymore. Looking at him from afar every day is not enough for me. I need to act faster, because I saw some of the boys seem to like him too.” He replied, laying himself on the grass. He started to feel sleepy now.

“So, what are you going to do now? Kiss him out of his mind, until he says yes to you?” Yamapi laughed, thinking that his friend was out of his mind.

“I don’t think it will work out. I’ll just wait. Now, go away, I want to sleep. Wake me up later.” Ryo said sleepily.

He tried to sleep, but after Yamapi went away to his other friend, Jin, he couldn’t sleep. He heard noises. He tried to find the source, but couldn’t detect it.

“Let me go, you beast!” a very small yelled out in frustration. “Let me go!”

Ryo looked around. He saw something on the tree branch. He climbed the tree and to his surprise, he saw something, a fairy!

“Please, let me go… Aah! Don’t pull!” the fairy squeaked at a squirrel. The squirrel kept on pulling the fairy’s wing, as if wanting to rip it out.

“Aw, it’s painful, stop it!” the fairy yelled out again.

Ryo who saw this, straight away shooed the squirrel away. He scooped up the poor fairy, putting it in his pocket and climbed down.

Sitting on the grass, he pulled out the magical creature. Eyeing her closely, he said, “Are you alright? Did it hurt you anywhere?”

Sobbing, the fairy replied, “Thank you young man, you came at the right time. Who knows what might have happened to me if nobody was around. Don’t worry, I’m fine though.”

“It’s okay, I was about to go to sleep when I heard your voice.” Ryo replied her kindly.

“How should I repay you for your help, kind young man? Ah I know! I’ll grant you your wishes. Now, tell me, what do you want? Money? A big house?” The fairy offered him, hoping that she can pay up her ‘debt’.

“Nah, it’s okay. I have everything that I wanted. What’s your name anyway? And you can call me Ryo by the way.”

“I’m Isabelle. Are you sure you don’t want anything? No need to be shy. I can help you, really!” the fairy offered him again, pulling out her magical wand, twirling it around.

Ryo was thinking hard. It’s true he had everything that he wanted. His family was rich, so he had no need to be richer. What I want? He thought, then he remembered something…

“You said anything? Can you grant me love? I love someone, but he seemed to hate me though. I have confessed to him earlier, but he rejected me.” He said solemnly, thinking the scene before at the corridor.

“Well, that one, I’m sorry that I can’t do that, but,” she pressed out, “I can make him fall in love with you. There’s a condition though.”

Hearing this, Ryo’s mood suddenly cheered up. “What’s the condition? I’m willing to do everything you say.”

“Well, you don’t have to do anything for me. It’s you though. It’s not like I can make him fall in love with you, it’s more like he couldn’t reject you. And I’ll help you to make the plans to get him. But there’s a condition.” The fairy said, starting to get serious.

“Condition? What condition?” Ryo looked at her in confusion.

“I will grant you your wishes, but you must not have any physical contact with him. No kissing, or even touching. Understand?” she explained.

“No touching? B-but…” Ryo whined, thinking that this is stupid. I even kissed him just now.

“Okay then, I don’t have a choice do I?” he voiced out heavily. “Okay then.”

“Yosh! Then the plan starts tomorrow!” Isabelle decided for him, thinking that it would be fun.


Ryo’s first wish was a daffodil on Ueda’s table everyday. Isabelle granted it happily. He was such a romantic at heart! She thought.

So everyday, Ueda would find the flower on his table. He knew it was from Ryo because, during the first time, Ryo said it was him. He asked Isabelle to put the same flower everyday, as a reminder that it was from Ryo.

Ueda, at first was delighted, but then he started to be irritated.

“Ne Junno, why does he keeps on giving me this? I know he must’ve picked it at the school garden though.”Ueda voiced out, his fingers playing with the flower.

“Well, from my point of view Tat-chan, I think that he’s being serious to get you. I thought you hate him?” Junno flashed out his smile, giving him his thought.

“If he wants me, try harder!” Ueda said, his face getting red. He couldn’t understand why he’s feeling like this.

During recess, Ryo came to meet him.

“Hi Ueda, come and join me for lunch?” Ryo said, thinking about spending his lunch with him.

Ueda couldn’t think straight. His heart was about to say no, but he mouthed out “Yes”

Ryo was super happy. He chanted in his mind, ‘Isabelle Isabelle Isabelle, grant me my wish: a picnic on the rooftop.’

He needed to say it out properly, like she taught him, in order to get his wish.

Ueda, who didn’t know anything, merely followed Ryo to the rooftop. Here?

“Join me?” Ryo invited him to sit on the mat.

Ueda was beyond surprise. They were like having a picnic. There was even a basket.

Ryo brought out the contents, revealing two plates of spaghetti and a bottle of juice. They ate in silence.

“This is good. Thanks Nishikido. It’s nice, to eat here.” Ueda smiled at him, feeling this was like a romantic date. Date? He was confused with his own feeling.

Ryo smiled back at him, thinking that his 2nd plan had succeeded.


Next, he spied on him to find out what was his favorite restaurant. After much asking around, he found it.

Two days later, he asked him out for a proper date. And he said yes. (It’s not like he can say no him though.)

Ryo was waiting at the restaurant nervously. He looked around. It’s an ordinary one, small and a bit old. There were salary men next to his table. No youngsters were there.

A few minutes went by, and Ueda was still not around. His palm started to get sweaty. He was scared that Ueda might have backed out at the last minute.

Then he saw him, running to his direction, bowing apologetically, he said, “Sorry Nishikido, I was caught in the traffic. My car couldn’t get through. There’s an accident. I’m sorry again.” He bowed again to him.

Waving him hand, he chuckled at his antics. He’s so cute! “Don’t worry, I understand. Come and have a seat. Shall we order? I’m getting hungry though.”

While waiting for their order, Ueda spoke up, “I know this restaurant looks old and small. But to me, it means something.”

Ryo looked at him, trying to understand his statement.

“We used to come here, me and my family. When I was small though. But when my father’s business started to expand, we have little time to spend together, and since then we have never come here together again.” He explained, his face looked sad at his own words. “But I come here sometimes, alone though. It’s a good memory for me.”

Ryo was touched hearing this, “I’ll come with you if you want. So that you’ll never be alone when you’re here.” He said, reaching out to hold Ueda’s hand.

But before he made it, he remembered something…

“I will grant you your wishes, but you must not have any physical contact with him. No kissing, or even touching. Understand?”

Straight away he reached out for the menu, instead of Ueda’s hand. Sighing, this is stupid! I couldn’t even touch his hand!

Ueda frowned, I thought he was about to hold my hand. Was my hand dirty or what?  But he brushed off his thought. Maybe he’s trying to give me some space though.


The next day, Ryo decided to confess to him again, hoping his acts had touched his heart.

Whistling, he opened Ueda’s classroom door. “Oi Ued…” he couldn’t continue. The scene in front of him was shockingly disturbing his coherency.

There was Ueda, the guy that he liked, standing so close to his best friend, Yamapi, they were about to kiss.

With anger rising up, he walked fast to them, pulling Ueda away. He knew he was risking it, because he touched Ueda. But he couldn’t stand looking at the guy that he liked kissing others.

“I thought I’ve said that I like you last week? Well princess, even if you don’t like me, you don’t have to play with my best friend!” Ryo voiced out, his anger was rising high.

“What? We were not doing anything! This is just-”

“Just what? Just kissing?” Ryo retorted back. He couldn’t believe it! Ueda and Yamapi?

“Shut up!” With that, Ueda kissed him hard. Pulling away, he breathed out heavily. “We were practicing you moron! He was the Romeo for the coming school play, remember? And Kame was the Juliet. But he was absent for today, so he practiced it with me.”

Ryo just looked at him, touching his lips. It was still warm…

“Besides, I already like someone.” Ueda added, smirking back to him.

“R-really? Who is it?” Ryo stuttered, trying to calm his erratic heart.

Closing their gap, Ueda kissed him again. “That’s my answer.”


“Isabelle, thank you so much for helping me out.” Ryo smiled at the little fairy sitting in his palm.

“Hope you’ll be happy with him.” With that she vanished from his sight.

How I wish I still have those wishes, I can make Ueda do sooo many things for me, his perverted mind thought. But then again I’m happier this way.

The end~

A/N: this one is dedicated for my dearest hanny, who wanted some magic, but I dunno if those magics are enough for you hon~ hope this wont dissappoint you!

i will make you mine

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