Jun 08, 2009 21:43
So, Saturday after a week of 90 degrees plus and no air conditioning in the car, I took it in to get the AC situation sussed.
After the mechanic scoured the inner workings of our vehicle for about 90 minutes, they returned a verdict of "Everything is good. Its all sealed, but for some reason, its not getting power. We need to yarf yer dashboard off and trace the electrical system circuit by circuit until we find the offending scofflaw. TO do so will require time. Leave it over the weekend."
Now, what I know about cars can be written on a grain of rice with a dull claymore. I nodded and said "Okey Dokey"
They call me at about 1pm Monday with this.... "Your compressor's dead. After much tax, labor and such like, $1,400 roundabout."
After I take a moment to pick my jaw up off the floor, I call Jen and we decide not to go through with it (I'm out of sale-able kidneys this month). I call the mechanic back and say "No can do. Pack `er back up and make her drivable."
"Sure," says Captain Reasonable. "That'll be $250."
So, to recap.... Car, still does great oven impression. Jen and Me, out $250. Summer, simmers onward.
Excuse me while I go melt in peace.