Player Information
Player Name: Rei
makemegray or AIM: Makemegray
Timezone: EST
Character Information
Character's Name: Zevran Arainai
Character Journal:
AllBloodyAgain Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins
Point Taken from Canon: After the epilogue of Origins, wherein his warden sacrificed herself to defeat the Archdemon.
Tattoo number: 49007
Picture Personality: Zevran is arguably one of the most morally ambiguous characters in the game and will not hesitate to voice that opinion if he is in your party at any given time. Superficially, the only things he cares about are sex, money and success in his missions and which choices will be able to get him the most of either of those at any given time.
He is a consummate hedonist and will stoop to screwing other people over for his own benefit and have no moral compunctions about it. As one of the Antivan Crows, he takes his duty as an Assassin very seriously and takes great pride in it. Another moral grey area for him, he views killing as necessary at times, stating that if someone has a contract out for their heads than the must have done something to earn it.
He is very playful and also prone to hitting on almost anything and everything that moves, male and female alike and will willingly enter sexual encounters with anyone who responds. Almost every conversation he has with characters in the game denigrates to sexual innuendo at some point or another.
Beneath his shallow and opportunistic exterior, however, he does have some very complicated emotions. While he states that he could care less about the status of other elves, particular the Dalish, if he is in the party during certain parts of the game where the fate of different elves is in the Warden's hands, he will beseech the player to have mercy on them or will plead their case in order to effect the outcome of the players decision. While he doesn't have very many moral hang-ups about killing, he will regret the act if he feels that the person on the other end of his weapon didn't deserve to die or was wrongly accused.
He also seems to be ambivalent about his past and namely his mother, yet giving him gloves that are similar to the ones his mother owned will gain approval points and get him talking about his past. Another level of the facade he has crafted as a Crow. He also has an affinity for armor made from leather, especially a specific kind of Antivan boots that can given to him to trigger a cut scene where he talks about having desired a similar pair while he was at home in Antiva but left before he could make the money to purchase them.
While he sleeps around very frequently, if he enters into a relationship with the Warden and it progresses to love after the Landsmeet, he will become very confused and frustrated at his emotions, and will force the Warden to choose if the player is a relationship with another character. Though he will also be practical and step aside to let the other relationship continue. If the Warden marries Alistair or Anora and becomes royalty, Zevran will be willing to remain their lover on the side. If the Warden returns to Denerim to rebuild the Grey Wardens then Zevran will stay with them and finally if the Warden chooses to die to kill the Archdemon, the epilogue will state that Zevran never loved again. Once he has made the decision that he is in love, he will be steadfastly loyal to that love and to the person.
Powers/Abilities: Being of the Rouge class, Zevran is very skilled in the speed, dexterity, archery and stealth departments naturally and these attributes can be agmented by the players decisions when alloting skill points.
Being of the Assassin Specialization, all of the bonuses he gets in the aforementioned categories are amplified.
In the larger sense, his individual abilities can also be completely customized by the player but he comes standard with abilities that are specialized to the Rogue Class and Assassin Specialization. No matter what choices the player makes, he will always be Rogue class and with that, he will have abilities and armor that are specialized for his class, such as dirty fighting, stealth and various archery equipment. As an Assassin, he has one of the few specialties which make double-handed fighting possible, ie: fighting with two weapons, where as most specializations are only able to fight with one or with a weapon and a shield.
With the Rogue class and his dexterity and device-mastery skills somewhat higher as a standard, he is preset to act as a thief for the group when it comes to opening chests.
Along with the advantages that come with being of the Rouge Class and Assassin Specialization, there are also disadvantages. These, however, are also subject to what the player chooses to do with his skill points. It is possible to overcome his weaknesses though allocation of points. However, if the player chooses to keep the disparity of his points constant throughout the game, he will have significantly lower strength stats than the Warrior class, and lower magic than the Mage class.
Dragon Age wiki Specifics for this Zevran: He was in a mild relationship with his Warden who died sacrificing herself to defeat the Archdemon. Loghain was killed and Alistair became King. The epilogue would have stated that Zevran remained to help the throne for a time before going back to Antiva and taking over the Crows.
Journal sample: Ah! I should have known better than to attempt to steal a taste from that foul smelling pouch of Ohgren's!
Alas, one always wants that they cannot have and all that...
Apparently, it was not worth it, judging by these hallucinations. I'm fairly certain that the last I was aware, I was in camp not...wherever this is...and definitely had on more clothing than this...
Perhaps it some sort of dwarf magic that poisons anyone who takes baths more than once a decade...
Hmmm...this requires further investigation...after I can feel my fingers again...
Prose sample:
Without the threat of imminent death looming over his head, Zevran found that he was at quite a loss as to what to do with himself. The Warden was often too busy to pay attention to him these days as she concentrated on rebuilding her order and having...mislead the Crows into thinking he was dead, he didn't have a proper job at the moment either.
That left the rest of their companions. The ones who had stayed. However, among those Alistair was busy helping the Warden, the dog was too slobbery for his tastes, Wynne was no fun to bully and Shale made his head hurt.
That left Ohgren and that curious little pouch he always kept at his side, even in times of battle. The one what smelled like a corpse left to rot in the sun for weeks on end before Darkspawn mated on top of it. Curiously, despite the stench, the dwarf seemed enamored of it. More so after a few sips...perhaps that was the reason that he didn't seem too sensitive to the smell.
Whatever the case, Zevran was now determined that he had to get to the bottom of the pouch, despite the earlier threats on his person that Oghren had made. He was a naturally curious person and naturally he was going tbe even more curious once he was forbidden from something.
He waited until a night when the dwarf had indulged particularly heavily and the rest of the camp was asleep (or as close to it as possible) and snuck across the grounds to Oghren's tent, with ease. Avoiding the hoard of armor and weapons strewn about he knelt next to the others bedroll and forced himself to brave the stench as he eased the stopper from the pouch.
Marshaling his courage, he took a brief swig and it was all he could do not to letting it go right back the way it had come. The taste matched the scent and he couldn't leave the tent fast enough.
He didn't make it past the fire in the center of the ring of tents before the odd alcohol caught up to him and he sat down heavily on the ground, head reeling.
It took him some time before he was able to remember his own name after that.