(no subject)

Aug 29, 2006 12:17

Apologies for the late posting!

Welcome to week three of allbleachedup's challenges. Thanks to all of last week's challenge submissions! Prompts are as follows:

Character of the Week: Grimmjaw Jaggerjack
Pairing of the Week: Renji, Rukia. Pairing can be either romantic or platonic.

Weekly prompts:

Words: Music, sleep, chair


"The great question (about power) is who should have it" ~ John Locke

“Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” ~ Charles F. Kettering

“We fear violence less than our own feelings. Personal, private, solitary pain is more terrifying than what anyone else can inflict.” ~ Jim Morrison

Image of the Week:

allbleachedup accepts fanfiction/drabbles/ficlets, fanart and manipulations, icons/banners/general graphics, and if you're up for it, captions for the image. Remember, you can use any challenge (or mix of the challenges) for any of the works you want to do- you can use the quote for an icon or write a story based on the image, if you'd like. Quotes do not have to be used in the actual text of the fic.

You have one week to submit your works; more information can be found on the allbleachedup userinfo. Good luck!

!mod post, week three, challenge

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